Quantitative-minded CS new grad with a liberal arts background.
I have a decently broad knowlege base that include:
weather modelling,
data visualization,
game engines,
estimation and planning,
data mining,
parallel computing,
front-end web programming,
high-performance computing,
and various families of algorithms:
for game engines,
for distributed systems,
probabilistic algorithms,
for graphics,
for general data processing, (and more)
I'm still working on building solid professional experience, but with internships at Google and Facebook and having finished an intensive BS/MS curriculum in Computer Science at UChicago, I'm ready to help any beginner to intermediate programmers with any questions they may have on:
school assignments, (don't try to just get me to do it for you, though)
language-specific bugs or questions, (GLSL, C++, C, mostly)
algorithms analysis, (do feel like there should be a faster way to do what you're doing?)
and other general stuff.
If you're not sure whether or not I'll be a good match for your questions, just shoot me a message and we'll figure it out. I'm here to help.