Utkarsh Dalal

Utkarsh Dalal

Rising Codementor
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Strong backend developer and data engineer with a social focus.
Strong backend developer and data engineer with a social focus.

I'm a very strong backend developer and data engineer, and I love to work on projects with a positive social impact, mostly in the clean energy space. I enjoy learning new things and solving complex problems with multiple variables.

I'm also a founder, so I know what it's like to go out of my comfort zone, work across verticals and do whatever is needed to make the team succeed.

I pride myself on my integrity, code quality and commitment. If I'm given something to work on, I don't like to rest until it's perfect.

Mumbai (+05:30)
Joined September 2020
8 years experience
My strongest technology. I've used Python mostly for ETLs, data engineering, web/data scraping and backend serverless APIs.
My strongest technology. I've used Python mostly for ETLs, data engineering, web/data scraping and backend serverless APIs.
3 years experience
I'm strong with AWS, and have used it for building various microservices using Lambda and API Gateway, along with technologies like RDS, ...
I'm strong with AWS, and have used it for building various microservices using Lambda and API Gateway, along with technologies like RDS, Redshift and DynamoDB.
5 years experience
I've worked with Data Engineering for several years, designing and building various ETLs and data warehouses, including with Hive, Redshi...
I've worked with Data Engineering for several years, designing and building various ETLs and data warehouses, including with Hive, Redshift, Bigquery and Spark
3 years experience
For my role at AutoGrid Systems, I owned a service that used Pyspark to read, aggregate and write consumer electricity data.
For my role at AutoGrid Systems, I owned a service that used Pyspark to read, aggregate and write consumer electricity data.
4 years experience
I worked with Ruby on Rails for 4 years as a Senior Software Engineer at AutoGrid Systems, where I worked mostly on the backend.
I worked with Ruby on Rails for 4 years as a Senior Software Engineer at AutoGrid Systems, where I worked mostly on the backend.
2 years experience
I've used JavaScript for creating web crawlers/scrapers using Puppeteer, as well as creating the frontend for the live carbon tracker I b...
I've used JavaScript for creating web crawlers/scrapers using Puppeteer, as well as creating the frontend for the live carbon tracker I built (carbontracker.in)
2 years experience
I'm familiar with data science/analysis and developing ML models. I'm also experienced with data analysis and creating plots and dashboar...
I'm familiar with data science/analysis and developing ML models. I'm also experienced with data analysis and creating plots and dashboards to display data, mostly using Plotly and Tableau.


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Using Q-learning (Reinforcement Learning), programmed a simulated walker robot to learn to walk through trial and error.
Implemented a game of Pacman using Hidden Markov Models and Particle Filtering in which the moving ghosts are permanently scared and Pacman has to eat them but does not know their positions, only the probability that they may be in certain positions at a given time.
Stack Overflow
55 Reputation
- Founded a legaltech startup to help Indian lawyers automate their time-keeping and billing, saving them time and increasing their reven...
- Founded a legaltech startup to help Indian lawyers automate their time-keeping and billing, saving them time and increasing their revenue. Led product development, sales, marketing, and development. - Built an Azure app to integrate with law firms' timesheets in OneDrive, and automatically generate invoices from them; used Oauth 2, Microsoft Graph API, and Pandas. - Used Oauth 2 and Microsoft Graph API to build an Azure app that automatically generates summaries of billable work lawyers have done by reading from their Outlook emails and calendars. - Extended this functionality to Google accounts through the use of Oauth 2, Gmail API, and Google Calendar API. - Created AWS Lambda functions with API Gateway endpoints that end-users could access to generate invoices and summaries of their billable work whenever they wanted. - Used AWS SES to deliver invoices and billable work summaries to lawyers whenever they were generated. - Called/emailed potential clients, demoed our product to several potential users, and successfully set up customers with the product for usage. - Designed website (www.firmation.in) and handled marketing using Google Ads. - Wrote a Python script to automatically contact potential leads on LinkedIn.
Google Analytics
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Google Analytics
OAuth 2.0
AWS Lambda
Google ads
Google apis
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Data Warehouse Developer
Cofidential Client (via Toptal)
- Designed and developed a production data warehouse with denormalized tables in BigQuery using a MongoDB database on Heroku as the data ...
- Designed and developed a production data warehouse with denormalized tables in BigQuery using a MongoDB database on Heroku as the data source and Stitch Data as an ETL tool. - Scheduled extractions from MongoDB every six hours using Stitch Data, ensuring that only recently-updated data was included. - Created scheduled query to join and load data to a denormalized table in BigQuery after extraction from MongoDB is complete. - Created graphs and geospatial plots from BigQuery data for customer demo to his client using Plotly and Jupyter Notebooks. - Thoroughly documented instructions for setting up and querying BigQuery for future developers working on the project. - Researched integrating Google Analytics into BigQuery to track the customer lifecycle from acquisition onwards. - Created views on the denormalized BigQuery table to allow users to easily see the most recent state of the database. - Worked closely with QA lead to the end-to-end test data warehouse, from automated extractions to loads and views.
Google Analytics
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Google Analytics
Google BigQuery
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Scraping Engineer
Tether Energy (via Toptal)
- Wrote Bash and SQL scripts that ran on a cron schedule to download data from the New York ISO website and upload it to Tether's data wa...
- Wrote Bash and SQL scripts that ran on a cron schedule to download data from the New York ISO website and upload it to Tether's data warehouse using Presto and Hive. - Created scripts to automatically fetch electricity bill data for Brazilian consumers and then upload them to an S3 bucket using JavaScript, Puppeteer, and AWS. - Automated solving of ReCAPTCHAs using JavaScript and 2captcha. - Developed Python scripts to scrape data from various formats of PDF electricity bills and then upload them to an internal service using Tabula and Pandas. - Implemented a robust regression testing framework using Pytest to ensure that PDFs are correctly scraped. - Augmented an internal API by adding new endpoints and models using Ruby on Rails. - Improved an internal cron service by adding a JSON schedule that methods could run on. - Added documentation on how to set up and test various internal services locally.
Ruby on Rails
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Ruby on Rails
Web Scraping
Apache Hive
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Brookings India Electricity and Carbon TrackerView Project
Brookings Institution India Center
Created a near real-time electricity and carbon tracker for India for use for policy analysis. The data for the tracker is continuously s...
Created a near real-time electricity and carbon tracker for India for use for policy analysis. The data for the tracker is continuously scraped from meritindia.in, stored in an AWS RDS instance, and served to the website via an API using AWS Lambda. The website itself uses Vue.js and plotly.js. It was featured in the Wall Street Journal - https://www.wsj.com/articles/solar-power-is-beginning-to-eclipse-fossil-fuels-11581964338?mod=hp_lead_pos5
Amazon S3
Web Scraping
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Amazon S3
Web Scraping
Amazon RDS
AWS Lambda
Javascript, vuejs
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Firmation Time Tracker
Created a time tracking tool for Indian lawyers to help Indian lawyers fill out their timesheets more quickly and ensure they don't forge...
Created a time tracking tool for Indian lawyers to help Indian lawyers fill out their timesheets more quickly and ensure they don't forget about any billable work they've done. The tool integrated with Outlook/Google emails and calendar, as well as OneDrive, using OAuth, to give users a summary of the work they've done by parsing emails, calendar events and files worked on. Successfully piloted the tool with two medium-sized law firms, and iteratively improved it to meet customer needs. Led design, development, sales, and marketing for the product. Used AWS Lambda with API Gateway as the back end, and DynamoDB as the database. Also used Python, Pandas, AWS S3, and SES to generate and send out billable work summaries to users via email. Used AWS Cloudwatch to automatically generate and send out billable work summaries to users weekly. Used the Microsoft Graph API and Gmail and Google Calendar APIs to read user data. Used Google Ads and Analytics to sell to users, Leadpages to host our landing page, and a combination of personal referrals and cold emails for sales.
Amazon S3
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Amazon S3
Google Analytics
OAuth 2.0
AWS Lambda
Google ads
Google apis
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