Brookings Institution India Center
Created a near real-time electricity and carbon tracker for India for use for policy analysis. The data for the tracker is continuously s...
Created a near real-time electricity and carbon tracker for India for use for policy analysis. The data for the tracker is continuously scraped from, stored in an AWS RDS instance, and served to the website via an API using AWS Lambda. The website itself uses Vue.js and plotly.js. It was featured in the Wall Street Journal -
Amazon S3
Web Scraping
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Amazon S3
Web Scraping
Amazon RDS
AWS Lambda
Javascript, vuejs
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Firmation Time Tracker
Created a time tracking tool for Indian lawyers to help Indian lawyers fill out their timesheets more quickly and ensure they don't forge...
Created a time tracking tool for Indian lawyers to help Indian lawyers fill out their timesheets more quickly and ensure they don't forget about any billable work they've done. The tool integrated with Outlook/Google emails and calendar, as well as OneDrive, using OAuth, to give users a summary of the work they've done by parsing emails, calendar events and files worked on.
Successfully piloted the tool with two medium-sized law firms, and iteratively improved it to meet customer needs.
Led design, development, sales, and marketing for the product.
Used AWS Lambda with API Gateway as the back end, and DynamoDB as the database. Also used Python, Pandas, AWS S3, and SES to generate and send out billable work summaries to users via email. Used AWS Cloudwatch to automatically generate and send out billable work summaries to users weekly. Used the Microsoft Graph API and Gmail and Google Calendar APIs to read user data.
Used Google Ads and Analytics to sell to users, Leadpages to host our landing page, and a combination of personal referrals and cold emails for sales.
Amazon S3
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Amazon S3
Google Analytics
OAuth 2.0
AWS Lambda
Google ads
Google apis
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