Power of RxWebValidators
Here we discuss the simplest way to apply validations in angular validations Angular validations are not just about inbuilt and custom validations, some complex forms require a lot of other validation scenarios such as conditional validation. In most of the cases the validation consume of a lot of custom business logic which results into hefty code and reduction of scalability
Here is how performing validations can be performed in a very intuitive, simple and ascendible way. In this article i will show some of the most useful cases of validations in angular reactive forms which can be now done easy...
Conditional Validation
We come across through a lot of use cases when we need to apply validation based upon some user input value. Lets understand the difference between with and without RxWebValidators
Without RxWebValidators
this.personForm = this.formBuilder.group({
firstName : ['', Validators.required],
lastName : ['', conditionalValidator(
(()=> this.isValidationForLastName === true),
function conditionalValidator(condition: (()=> boolean), validator : ValidatorFn): ValidatorFn {
return (control : AbstractControl):{[key:string]:any} => {
if(! condition()){
return null;
return validator(control);
With RxWebValidators
he condition is applied during the initialization of the formControl using conditionalExpression
Example : open
It requires creation of a custom function for the application of the condition and using it at the time of formControl
this.personForm = this.formBuilder.group({
firstName: ['', RxwebValidators.required()],
lastName: ['', RxwebValidators.required({ conditionalExpression: (x, y) => x.firstName == "Bharat" })]
Unique Validation
This approach is to unique value validation on FormControl inside the FormArray.
Without RxwebValidators
uniqueValidator(control: AbstractControl) {
const name = control.get('name').value;
if (control.get('name').valid) {
const isNameUnique = this.companies.map(company => company.name).some(value => value === name);
if (!isNameUnique) {
control.get('name').setErrors({unavailable: true});
this.companyFormGroup = this.fb.group({
name: [null, Validators.required],
emailAddress: [null, Validators.compose([Validators.required, Validators.email])]
}, {validator: this.uniqueValidator.bind(this)});
With RxwebValidators
The simplest approach towards performing unique validation is given by RxWebValidators.
Example : open
this.employeeFormGroup = this.formBuilder.group({
fullName: [''],
skills: this.formBuilder.array([
let skillsArray = <FormArray>this.employeeFormGroup.controls.skills;
return this.formBuilder.group({
skillName: ['', RxwebValidators.unique()]
Compare Validation
The most common scenario of compare validation is password and confirmPassword comparison
Without RxWeb
checkPasswordField custom function
this.myForm = this.fb.group({
password: ['', [Validators.required]],
confirmPassword: ['']
}, {validator: this.checkPasswords })
checkPasswords(group: FormGroup) { // here we have the 'passwords' group
let pass = group.get('password').value;
let confirmPass = group.get('confirmPass').value;
return pass === confirmPass ? null : { notSame: true }
With RxWeb
using fieldName
property of inbuilt compare validation
Example : open
this.userFormGroup = this.formBuilder.group({
confirmPassword:['', RxwebValidators.compare({fieldName:'password' })],
There are many more inbuilt validations in RxWebValidators categorized into string, datetime, numeric, file and array. To use the RxwebValidators install using the below command :
npm i @rxweb/reactive-form-validators
To know more refer the rxwebio documentation section