Thanh Giang

Thanh Giang

Rising Codementor
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Applications Supervisor at FCH Enterprises, Inc.

Hawaii (-10:00)
Joined March 2015
15 years experience
Design database, normalize and much more.
Design database, normalize and much more.
20 years experience
Written code in VB since it was first introduced. Designed desktop applications for single to multi-user.
Written code in VB since it was first introduced. Designed desktop applications for single to multi-user.
8 years experience
Have written client as well as similar using .NET.
Have written client as well as similar using .NET.
0 year experience
15 years experience
Written a lot of code from when .NET was just release by Microsoft. C# remains my favorite right after Java.
Written a lot of code from when .NET was just release by Microsoft. C# remains my favorite right after Java.
0 year experience
0 year experience


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