Tim Sheerman-Chase

Tim Sheerman-Chase

Rising Codementor
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C++/Python developer specializing in Computer Vision/Machine Learning
C++/Python developer specializing in Computer Vision/Machine Learning

I am a software engineer, with experience in range of industries, technologies and academia. My main programming languages are Python and C++ but I also am experienced in C, PHP, HTML, SQL, etc. My PhD has given me a solid background in image processing and machine learning. I have teaching experience in both university labs and scuba diving instruction.

London (+00:00)
Joined December 2017
8 years experience
I started using Python for image processing during my PhD in computer vision/machine learning, gaining extensive experience with Numpy an...
I started using Python for image processing during my PhD in computer vision/machine learning, gaining extensive experience with Numpy and Scipy. I have since completed several web based projects using Pyramid/Django. I have contributed to multiple open source libraries including scikit-learn, scikit-image, python-oauth2. I am currently porting django-oauth-plus to Python3/Django 2.0. I released a game "That Untravelled World" on Android/Windows/Linux eventually publishing it as open source (see kinatomic.com). Python is my current "go to" language and often write python extensions in C++ when performance increases are required.
16 years experience
I learned C++ on the job in an embedded real-time avionics company (BAE Systems). I have been using it regularly since 2001, particularly...
I learned C++ on the job in an embedded real-time avionics company (BAE Systems). I have been using it regularly since 2001, particularly for any task in which performance is critical. I have completed many embedded (ARM processor and Intel) and GUI projects (GTK+ and QT). I have used C++ to extend python which high performance is needed using SWIG. I have instructed third year undergrad/masters students in software labs at the University of Surrey. I have used OpenCV extensively for image processing and I repackage recent versions for Ubuntu here https://launchpad.net/~timsc I contribute to several open source projects on github including tilemaker, ORB_SLAM2 and libpqxx.
10 years experience
I started learning C in 1997. I have extensive experience of C in embedded systems, often using it's functional style as a compliment to ...
I started learning C in 1997. I have extensive experience of C in embedded systems, often using it's functional style as a compliment to C++, particularly for low level IO. I have instructed first year undergrad students in software labs at the University of Surrey in the use of C. I recently released iso8601lib for date/time processing on github.
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7 years experience
My PhD thesis was titled "On the Automatic Recognition of Facial Non-verbal Communication Meaning in Informal, Spontaneous Conversation" ...
My PhD thesis was titled "On the Automatic Recognition of Facial Non-verbal Communication Meaning in Informal, Spontaneous Conversation" which gave me experience in object tracking, classification and regression methods (SVM, SVR, Boost, Decision Trees, etc) and common image processing methods. My approach also used crowd sourced data from Mechanical Turk/Crowdflower.
11 years experience
Since databases are essential for almost any web app, I have experience in relational database schema design, query optimization, indexin...
Since databases are essential for almost any web app, I have experience in relational database schema design, query optimization, indexing for huge tables (hundreds of millions of rows) and geospatial data.
1 year experience
I am a heavy user of Git and Github. While the learning curve is steep, it is excellent for both conventional teams and loosely affiliate...
I am a heavy user of Git and Github. While the learning curve is steep, it is excellent for both conventional teams and loosely affiliated collaborators.


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Software Contractor
Performing software engineering for a variety of customers.
Performing software engineering for a variety of customers.
Kinatomic Technology
Custom software solutions and apps.
Custom software solutions and apps.
Software Engineer
Symetrica Security Ltd
Developing software for radiation detection in portals and mobile systems. Custom GTK3 and C# user interfaces. Image processing of moving...
Developing software for radiation detection in portals and mobile systems. Custom GTK3 and C# user interfaces. Image processing of moving vehicles. Developing a health monitoring system of remote devices.
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