I'm a classic hacker, and not in the "I dabble in tech stuff" kind of way. I've been programming in low level languages since 2000. My passion lies in teaching others. In the hacker world, there are often Master:Apprentice relationships, but this is a more rare concept in traditional CS/engineering; which is unfortunate.
When it comes to work and life, I am very passion driven. I don't take on just any project, but when I do it is with a great amount of energy, loyalty and dedication to quality. My core beliefs can be summed up quite easily:
First, do not harm. I am a firm believer that business and teams should operate with a mindset of never harming the brand, reputation, customer or peers.
Operate transparently. For me this means that in both personal and professional life it is best to openly share challenges, conflict, doubts or opinions.
Present solutions, not problems. Problems always exist, but focusing or exaggerating those problems only creates more tension and stress.
Communicate clearly. Cut to the chase and make clear points. Being blunt and succinct are critical to quickly communicating an idea and lead to faster compromises and results.