Clayton McIlrath

Clayton McIlrath

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Founder of Unicorn.TV and
Founder of Unicorn.TV and

I'm a classic hacker, and not in the "I dabble in tech stuff" kind of way. I've been programming in low level languages since 2000. My passion lies in teaching others. In the hacker world, there are often Master:Apprentice relationships, but this is a more rare concept in traditional CS/engineering; which is unfortunate.

When it comes to work and life, I am very passion driven. I don't take on just any project, but when I do it is with a great amount of energy, loyalty and dedication to quality. My core beliefs can be summed up quite easily:

First, do not harm. I am a firm believer that business and teams should operate with a mindset of never harming the brand, reputation, customer or peers.

Operate transparently. For me this means that in both personal and professional life it is best to openly share challenges, conflict, doubts or opinions.

Present solutions, not problems. Problems always exist, but focusing or exaggerating those problems only creates more tension and stress.

Communicate clearly. Cut to the chase and make clear points. Being blunt and succinct are critical to quickly communicating an idea and lead to faster compromises and results.

Spanish, English
Eastern Time (US & Canada) (-05:00)
Joined December 2016
8 years experience
I've built dozens of ruby applications: SaaS products, API's serving millions of requests per second, custom CMS. There are very few limi...
I've built dozens of ruby applications: SaaS products, API's serving millions of requests per second, custom CMS. There are very few limitations to what I can build in Ruby/Rails.
AWSSecurity softwarePenetration Testing
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6 years experience
I've been working with swift, literally since the day it was announced and Objective-C for a couple years before that. I built some of th...
I've been working with swift, literally since the day it was announced and Objective-C for a couple years before that. I built some of the first of everything in Swift: UI framework, a book through O'Reilly, and web framework. I have been using it for iOS and some web services regularly since it's release. I'm also a thought leader in the swift community as the creator of Unicorn.TV (formerly SwiftCast.TV). I'm happy to help with anything swift related, and really enjoy teaching in Swift.
6 years experience
I mostly build out API's and micro-services in Go. I am a master in Go when it comes to web applications, security, and API's. I've used ...
I mostly build out API's and micro-services in Go. I am a master in Go when it comes to web applications, security, and API's. I've used Go extensively in penetration testing and network monitoring, so I'm very familiar with the standard library and have even went as low level as building kernels for IoT tech.
APIReact with GoGodoc
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APIReact with GoGodocAWS SDK GoGo EchoGo on Heroku
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4 years experience
I've built many large application on React. I'm a big fan of what I call the "T-Rex" stack, consisting of: Typescript, React/Redux/Sagas,...
I've built many large application on React. I'm a big fan of what I call the "T-Rex" stack, consisting of: Typescript, React/Redux/Sagas, and Next.js. I've worked with probably every major framework and library in the react ecosystem. I know the internals of React very well, and have strong opinions on what doing things the "right way" in React should look like.
12 years experience
I've worked with email since the first dotcom boom. I know all the tricks to get templates to render properly with Yahoo, Gmail, Outlook,...
I've worked with email since the first dotcom boom. I know all the tricks to get templates to render properly with Yahoo, Gmail, Outlook, Thunderbird, and all browsers. I've also worked with most major mail systems from setup to transactions and automated processes. Hubspot, Zoho, Mandrill, Sendgrid, MailChimp are all my cup of tea and as an added bonus: I have many friends at these major mail companies.


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A highly configurable and out-of-the-box-pretty UI library
A simple word count / excerpt plugin for ExpressionEngine