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Java vs .NET: Which is Better for ERP System?

Published Oct 03, 2019Last updated Oct 15, 2020
Java vs .NET: Which is Better for ERP System?
Java vs .NET: Which is Better for ERP System?

Whenever you plan to start a project, it usually happens that you get confused to which technical language you should go for in order to build that particular project. Here in this piece of article you will come to know which language is best for ERP: Java or .Net. After reading a whole article, you will definitely come to know who can build best ERP system: Java developers of .NET developers.

This would be cleared after going through the details of both these languages.
But before that let me tell you

What actually ERP system is?

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is an automated system that is designed to integrate and automate the main activities of an organization’s business processes into a systematic manner.

There are core software components in an ERP system which are often called modules which are business areas centered such as finance and accounting, HR, production and materials management, customer relationship management (CRM) and supply chain management. And each organization choose modules according to their requirement of the business.

How does ERP work?
How does ERP work.png

ERPsystem is centralized system which assembles business information and keeps them in tables. As this data is stored centrally, it helps a lot of users to access the information for analysis of all areas such as from finance, sales and other departments.

ERP system clubs the confusing manual process of organizations, the various activities that happen in different departments where you can see employees managing their own spreadsheets and reports and make them automatic and systematic. In an ERP system, the updated information is sent to one module and after that it is Centralized shared with other module there.

**Reasons for implementing ERP. **

Look at the stat that is surveyed by statista:
stat of ERP.png

Before moving forward to discuss which is the best language for building ERP software, let’s see some of the advantages of ERp software which make us to choose the best language for it.

1.IT cost savings
2.Business process efficiency
3.A business process platform for process standardization
4.A catalyst for business innovation
5.Boosts efficiencies by automating data collection;
6.enables business growth by managing increasingly complex business processes;
7.Helps lower risk by enabling better compliance;
8.Fosters collaboration using data sharing and integrated information;
9.Provides better business intelligence and customer service capabilities; and
10.Improves supply chain management.

So, the above-given advantages could be considered as the reasons which make us to choose the best language for the ERP system.

Now it’s time to know the technology

Which is best technology for ERP development?
java programming language.png
Let’s start a discussion by defining each programming language individually.

Java Programming language

Java is known as one of the most famous and widely used programming languages.

For many years, Java is known as one of the most popular programming languages.
Java is known as Object oriented but still it is not fully and pure object oriented because it offers support for primitive data types (like int, char, etc)

First of all, Java codes are compiled into byte- code which is Machine independent code. After that byte code is run on Java Virtual Machine (JVM) regardless of the underlying architecture. There is a similarity between Java syntax and C/C++. But the nociable thing is that Java does not offer low level programming functionalities like pointers. Apart from this, Java codes could be seen written in the form of classes and objects.

Java is really useful for building applications like Mobile Applications (Android is Java based), desktop applications, web applications, client server applications, enterprise applications and many more.

In Java programming language, you are allowed to compile and interpret a program both. But in the case of other programming languages, you can either compile or interpret a program. See the below given figure in order to know the process of Java programming language.
java process.png

.Net programming language
.Net language.png

What is Microsoft .Net Framework?

In the year 2002, Microsoft launched the first version of .Net framework which is a software development platform. This platform was created in order to build applications which would run on the windows platform.

The version was called .Net framework 1.0. The .Net framework has come a long way since then, and the current version is 4.7.1.

.Net framework is helpful for creating both - Form-based and Web-based applications. It is also beneficial for developing web services.

Developers are free to choose the desired language according to their requirement as this framework supports various programming languages such as Visual Basic and C#.

Microsoft has just announced .Net core v3.0 which is the new and improved version of .net Framework.
One of the amazing advantages of an improved version of this .Net framework is: .Net core is both open-source and cross-platform.

Apart from this .Net core is that it is available with end number of new features which are really beneficial for development, web, cloud, and mobile applications.

Features of .Net

Rich Functionality out of the box

.Net is known for providing rich functionality out of the box. There are hundreds of classes in it which provides different variety of functionality ready to use in your applications. So this may indicate that being a developer, you are required to go into the depth of the details of various operations such as file IO, network communication and so on.

• Easy development of web applications

.Net platform provides ASP.NET technology at its platform which helps in developing dynamic and data driven web applications. There is an event driven programming model in ASP.NET which is just similar to Visual Basic 6 and which helps in making the Web development simple and easy. ASP.NET server controls provide advanced user interface elements (like calendar and grids) that saves a lot of coding from programmer’s side.

• OOPs Support

One of the major advantages of .NET is that fully provides object oriented environment. And it works on the philosophy- “Object is mother of all.” .NET now supports various object oriented features which were lacking in the past. Even primitive types like integer and
characters can be treated as objects – something not available even in OO
languages like C++.

• Multi-Language Support

Multi language support.png

Here is one more advantage of the .NET framework which is Multi-lingual support. Yes, it could be considered as one of the biggest advantages of .NET framework. This is because a one organization may be having people experienced with particular skills in Visual Basic, C++, and Java etc. And it is well known that whenever a new language or environment is invented existing skills are outdated.This naturally increases cost of training and learning curve.

.NET provides something amazing against this issue as it is available with Multi-lingual support. It means it supports multiple languages. It means if you have expertise in one particular language like C++, there is no need to throw it in the trash as now you just need to modify and mould it in order to make it suitable with the .NET environment.

Presently there are four languages available named as- Visual Basic.NET, C# (pronounced as C-sharp), Jscript.NET and Managed C++ (a dialect of Visual C++). But various vendors are trying to make more languages. One of the best things of this multiple language is that the syntax of each language is different, the basic capabilities of each language remain at par with one another.

From here, we can start comparison between these two languages. Look below

Language Support

Java Shares a single language across different platforms. But still, the programs written with it work independently across different OS types. Java is able to support languages like Python, Ruby, Groovy, Scala, and Kotlin.

So, it could be said that .NET supports a Multi Programming environment and on the other side, java is based on a single programming language that is helpful in supporting multiple.

Performance & Compatibility

There is no need for Java for conversion to Machine learning until the code gets executed. And on the other side, .Net is assembled and then run on the system. This is the reason behind it why C# works better in a runtime environment.

The older versions of Java which is older than Java7 are not able to support the easy and simplified data structure, switch case.

.Net is known for supporting switch cases for string variable in C# and native generic data. Linq (Language Integrated Query) is supported in ASP .NET but not supported in Java.


The security is always a major concern for an open-source platform like Java as there is a lack of professionmanaval support.

On the other hand, .Net is an all in all platform, so its security is the responsibility of Microsoft. It is efficient to offer all-time support to its enterprise clients.

Final words

From the whole discussion, it is somehow clear that .NET is much better in comparison to Java either it is about performance or it is about security. So it could also be suggested that if you are planning to build an ERP system, you should go for NET development services.
So, on the basis of your organization’s requirements, save time and try to find the best service for you.

Jasmine Ronald
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