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How and why I built "control DJI Tello drone with Droneblocks"

Published Jan 05, 2019

About me

The problem I wanted to solve

Wanted to control DJI Tello drone with Droneblocks app (running on iPhone)

What is control DJI Tello drone with Droneblocks?

Configured Droneblocks to control DJI Tello drone

Tech stack

Drone software

The process of building control DJI Tello drone with Droneblocks

In the menu, there is an entry "Tello Blocks". This changes the mode to work with Tello. If you do not move to this mode, you cannot connect to the Tello

Challenges I faced

Since this was a new software that I was using for the first time and the documentation was not clear, I tried various things, none of which worked. Engaging with the community and being precise in the questions asked helped me figure out how to that you needed to change the mode to "Tello Blocks"

Key learnings

Change mode to "Tello Blocks" if you are trying to control the Tello

Tips and advice

Droneblocks is a great way to control blocks. I recommend that you get your drone connected with this app

Final thoughts and next steps

I want to write different manouevers within Droneblocks to control the drone and better understand Droneblocks' capabilities and limitations

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