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Job Interview Tips

Published Jan 08, 2019
Job Interview Tips

Job Interview Tips

Be Ready for Your Interviews!

Interview Tips: Before the Interview
Combat Nervousness

  1. Act Happy
    More than likely you will be nervous, but you must learn to mask your nervousness. How? Act as if you are happy to be there. Smile when speaking and have a light and joyous attitude. Try not to be too serious, but do not fall out laughing as if you were at a comedy club.
  2. Do Mirror Practice
    Practice in front of a mirror while timing your answers to typical interview questions. Set a time limit of two minutes to answer a question. If you don't want to heed this tip just practice answering the very often asked opening question, "Tell me about yourself".
  3. Conduct a Mock Interview
    A mock interview is a practice interview. It gives you a chance to simulate the real thing. You can learn a lot about how you come across in an interview. Ask a friend (or your supervisor - if they know you're looking for another job) to act as the interviewer. Use typical job interview questions. Conduct yourselves as if you were on a real job interview. Set a time limit of one hour.
    More Job Interview Tips
  4. Attend Toastmasters Meetings
    Toastmasters International is a non-profit organization that helps individuals develop public speaking and leadership skills. I was a member for a period of time. You will learn how to give short speeches - planned and impromptu. The impromptu speeches can really help you to prepare for a job interview by giving you practice at speaking in front of others under some pressure.
  5. Prepare for Interview
    Preparing for an interview is essential. You'll be less stressed and be able to carry on an intelligent conversation (interview) with your interviewers. In my opinion, you should do three things: Research the company, find out what your skills are worth and write out answers to interview questions related to the job's core functions.
  6. Prepare a Few Questions to Ask
    Usually the last question the interviewer(s) will ask is, "Do you have any questions for me (us)?" Have some questions prepared to ask. Remember, you trying to see if the company is a good fit for you too. These questions can be taken from the research you did on the company when you decided to submit your writing professional resume to them.
    More Job Interview Tips
  7. Take Care of Yourself
    You can reduce your stress level by getting plenty ( 7 or 8 hours) of sleep the night before the interview. Eat breakfast the morning of the interview.
  8. Prepare the Night Before
    Gather everything you'll need for the interview the night before. This includes your clothes, shoes, keys, briefcase, extra resumes, directions to the interview, cell phone or whatever else you might need to be prepared. Have it all in one place ready to go.
    Job Interview Tips: Day of the Interview
  9. Job Interview Attire
    Dress appropriately! I know this means different things to different people, but in the world of interviewing, the meaning is narrow. Women can wear a pant suit or a skirt suit. If you wear a skirt suit, wear pantyhose (interviewing in the states of California and New York may be the exception to this rule). Even then, if the company is a conservative one, wear the pantyhose. Men should wear a suit an tie.
  10. Carry a Portfolio
    You may need some paper and a pen. Carry them in a small portfolio, brief case or day planner. Having one will come in handy when you collect business cards from the interviewers or others you meet. Be sure to carry extra paper to take notes immediately after the interview. This will make writing a thank you letter easier.
  11. Carry Your Resume
    Carry extra copies of your resume in your portfolio. You should carry business cards if you have them.
  12. Arrive Early
    I will say it again, be on time - no matter what, period. In fact, arrive early. The interviewer will not want to hear your excuse for being late and you will have ruined your chances of being selected, if they still grant you the interview. Find out ahead of time the exact location of the interview. If you think you will have trouble finding the location, drive to it a day or two before.
    More Job Interview Tips
  13. Perform a Grooming Check
    Once you arrive and have checked in with the receptionist, go to the restroom and do a grooming check. Spit out any gum, use restroom, check your teeth and make grooming touch ups. Say a prayer or an affirmation (whatever works to calm and give you a boost of confidence). If you have a problem with sweaty palms, make sure they are dry before you shake the interviewer(s) hand. Wet palms are a turn off.
  14. Mind Your Manners
    While waiting, be on your best behavior. Smile and say hello to anyone who speaks to you. Be nice and thankful to the receptionist. Your behavior is being observed, even if it doesn't seem obvious. The interviewer may ask the receptionist about the job candidates' behavior while waiting to be interviewed. You never know! And you can bet, if you were rude, the interviewers will find out.
  15. Turn Off Your Cell Phone
    Please turn off your cell phone. Yes, totally off, not just to vibrate. You surely do not want it to ring during the interview. You could loose your focus if you're answering an interview question. And, if for some reason you forget this job interview tip and your cell phone rings during the interview, just say, "Excuse me, I apologize" and turn it off. Do not answer it! That would be rude and you probably will not receive a job offer.
    Job Interview Tips: During the Interview
  16. The Interview Room
    Picture a person on a job interview. This is not a tip per se, but it familiarizes you with the interview room if this is your first interview. When you walk into an interview room it may seem more like an interrogation. (In fact the room may look similar to interrogation rooms seen on popular police shows.)

The room is usually somewhat small (maybe eight feet wide by ten feet long). There is usually a long table with a few chairs on either side.

The interviewer(s) will sit on one side and you will sit on the other, usually closest to the door. The room may be a conference, a room used solely for conducting interviews or someone's office.

  1. Greet the Interview Panel
    Picture proper job interview handshake. You may be interviewed by more than one person. It's called an interview panel. Of course, a sole person may conduct the interview as well.

When you enter the interview room, offer a firm hand shake (see the photo to the right), not death grip or a limp hand shake, to each interviewer and make eye contact. Say hello, or good morning or good afternoon as the case may be. The interviewer(s) will ask you to have a seat. (Note: Practice your handshake with friends until it's straight and firm.)

More Job Interview Tips
18. Look at Interview Panel
Look at each interviewer when speaking to them, but do not stare.
19. Language
Use proper language and not overly informal words or slang terms. Slow your rate of speech slightly. If you tend to talk fast when you are nervous, practice slowing your speech beforehand.
20. Body Language
Keep your arms uncrossed. Crossing your arms is seen by some as a sign of defensiveness. You do not want to give this impression. Try keeping your hands on the table or in your lap. Keep them slightly clasped in one another so that gesturing is kept to a minimum. Nod occasionally. You do not want to come off as a 'yes man' (person) by nodding after every question is asked. Nod occasionally, and only when it seems appropriate.
More Job Interview Tips

  1. Eye Contact
    Make eye contact, but do not stare. When being asked a question, look at the person who is asking the question. Begin your answer looking at them. Then, look at the other members of the interview panel as you continue to answer the question. Sort of sweep the panel with your eyes as you are answering. Try to end your answer looking at the person who asked the question. You will get better at this with practice.
  2. Answering Questions
    Listen carefully to the question being asked. Then, answer it. If you need a question clarified or repeated, ask the interviewer to do so. Simply say, "Would you please repeat the question" or "Would please clarify what you mean by...?"
    Job Interview Tips: After the Interview
  3. Thank the Interviewer(s)
    As the interview is ends, thank the interviewers for their time; reiterate your interest in the job; shake their hands; ask for their business cards if they didn't give them to you already and leave.
  4. Send a Thank You Letter
    Once the interview is over send a thank you letter to each of the interviewers. There was a reason you collected those!
  5. Use these job interview tips!
    In a job interview, you want to demonstrate that you have a great attitude and can work well under pressure.

Practice beforehand to increase your chances of doing this. Take advantage and use these job interview tips to ace your next interview!

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