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Common difficulties in learning data structure and algorithm

Published Mar 11, 2022
Common difficulties in learning data structure and algorithm

Learning data structures and algorithms isn’t an easy task at all, but once you are done understanding how these two most essential components of any programming language works, you will sail your boat no matter how difficult the problem arises in front of you. Today, we will show you some of the common difficulties people face when they first come across the two behemoths of programming, the first one being the data structure and the second being the algorithms.

Difficulties To Overcome When Learning Data Structure & Algorithms

Below are some of the most common difficulties you will overcome as you go through data structures and algorithms courses.

1. Black Box Problem

Block box problem is one thing that is applicable in terms of applications that are running using AI models and machine learning projects. It is a pretty hard hurdle to jump over, and it is quite a hindrance in your learning of data structure and algorithms. People are afraid of the unknown outcome of artificial intelligence, which leads to negative emotions and fear of a tool behaving almost like a human being.

2. Master Of Multiple Skills

When you are dealing with data structure, you should have won all the other battles in the field of programming. Learning data structure is not about having knowledge of one particular field. You need to master multiple skills to make yourself knowledgeable enough to understand the problem statement. The understanding of the problem can be improved with the practical solving provided in data structures and algorithms courses.

3. Topics Overlap Each Other

The concepts of both the data structure and algorithms tangle with each other. When you are a fresher and have just started learning about these two concepts, you will find yourself being overwhelmed. As a result, it is best to come to these two concepts when you have learned the basics. With the help of a data structures and algorithms course, you will first learn the basics of programming, and then you will be moved to the main event to show which are these two components.

4. Doubts Are Hard To Be Resolved

Having a great teacher is a blessing when it comes to programming. Handling both data structure and algorithm is like working with mathematics. You need to have a teacher who can show you the right way to use the algorithm and data structures. People get stuck in one problem, and they are not able to solve it no matter how hard they try.

In addition to this, some people might be able to solve the problem, but the code becomes so complex that it won’t be able to provide the output in a specific amount of time. When you are learning these two from a data structures and algorithms course, you will have various strategies and policies that will help you know the best way to write the algorithm and decide which of them need to be used.

5. Not A Strict Method Of Teaching

Everyone has their method of teaching data structure and algorithms. Most of the educators out there tend to use complex methodologies, which makes these two concepts even more complicated than they were before.

Data structures and algorithms are the two concepts that should be taught with lots of patience. A teacher should not be skipping any topics and move ahead. There needs to be a way to elevate the interest of students for these two concepts; otherwise, it will be hard for them to make an effective program in future.

6. Tons Of Perception About The Subject

There are many programmers you will find who have a wrong or negative perception about these two concepts of programming. Well, if they have joined any of the data structures and algorithms courses, they might have different things to say about it.

Otherwise, they will come up with the belief that the subject is hard to learn and it is a challenge to master both of them. This faith can be transferred to new programmers, and this will result in fear of learning new concepts, which is undoubtedly not a good start for their careers.

7. No Continuous Learning

There is no end to learning; this is one of the most fundamental things you need to know when you start your journey of becoming a programmer or enrolling yourself in a data structures and algorithms course. You need to keep on learning new algorithms and various methods to implement them. This way, you can make your code more effectively and precisely without adding tons of lines in your code.

7. No Continuous Learning

There is no end to learning; this is one of the most fundamental things you need to know when you start your journey of becoming a programmer or enrolling yourself in a data structures and algorithms course. You need to keep on learning new algorithms and various methods to implement them. This way, you can make your code more effectively and precisely without adding tons of lines in your code.

8. Memorising Concepts And Solutions

Memorising isn’t going to help when it comes to writing a code and when you are thinking about memorisation for these two concepts, you will move even farther away in understanding them completely.

Wrapping Up

We know learning data structure and algorithms can be a really steep learning curve for most computer science students, but if you have started the learning via data structures and algorithms course, things might seem more inclined and not as difficult as it looks. Refer to this link if you want to learn more about data structure and algorithms.

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Terry Austin
a year ago

Thank you for article!