Sushant Saurabh

Sushant Saurabh

Knowledge Itself is Power
Knowledge Itself is Power

Quiet but fun loving, enjoy colas, loved John Grisham's 'Rainmaker', accomplished Android developer, enjoyed IIIT Allahabad, currently rocking DDD & Event Sourcing, amazed at the breadth of Amazon's APIs (they got one for everything!!!!!), fascinated by automation and frequently want to break free to explore new locales, have lived in many cities, studied everywhere I could, can't argue unless I am deeply convinced, inspired by '80% design 20% code, ship fast, don't break things.

Want to read Guy Kawasaki someday, need to meet Eric.J.Evans (Author of Domain-driven design) and bow to Linus Torvalds, want to visit U.C Berkeley, think FLOSS is awesome, want to survive on fried chips, look to meet those with strong wanderlust, think Elon Musk's Hyperloop is more interesting than Tesla's car and more.

Hindi, English
Kolkata (+05:30)
Joined August 2017
1 year experience
Setup the whole continuous integration plus deployment cycle for the current project which starts with setting up of Infrastructure on AW...
Setup the whole continuous integration plus deployment cycle for the current project which starts with setting up of Infrastructure on AWS using CloudFormation. Then on every merge to master: Travis-builds running all the unit and integration tests , which when passed passes on to Codedeploy, picking up the latest build from S3 and deploying it to the load-balancer registered healthy EC2 instances.
2 years experience
Coding in Java since college. Have used Java for the following: i)Competitive Coding ii)Android iii)Machine Learning Projects iv)Encrypti...
Coding in Java since college. Have used Java for the following: i)Competitive Coding ii)Android iii)Machine Learning Projects iv)Encryption Projects (AES) v)Current Project on DDD+CQRS+EventSourcing using AxonFramework
RegexSpring BootJPA HibernateSingletonInterceptorsServletcontextlistenerMultithreadingCollectionsSerializationJava applet
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1 year experience
Used Gherkin to convert the requirements to feature and tested those features.
Used Gherkin to convert the requirements to feature and tested those features.
GherkinFeature writingPublishing events
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GherkinFeature writingPublishing eventsFeature test
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1 year experience
Know how to tests: i)Basic methods ii)Static methods iii)Commands iv)Runnables Know how to use: i)Mock ii)Spy iii)ArgumentCaptor iv)veri...
Know how to tests: i)Basic methods ii)Static methods iii)Commands iv)Runnables Know how to use: i)Mock ii)Spy iii)ArgumentCaptor iv)verify v)assert
JUnitMockitoPowermockSpyArgumentcaptorVerifyTesting static methodsTesting commandsTesting runnablesMocking
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1 year experience
Using Postgresql in the current project. Have used it's powerful JSON search.
Using Postgresql in the current project. Have used it's powerful JSON search.
Integration with jpaJson search
Integration with jpaJson search
1 year experience
Made several apps. Worked on a project which had a current affair section, used dynamic fragment instance creation in order to reduce res...
Made several apps. Worked on a project which had a current affair section, used dynamic fragment instance creation in order to reduce response time and avoid memory redundancy. Also customized the FragmentStatePagerAdapter so that it detects the change in the tag even when it is stored in the savedInstanceState Bundle and does not load the old fragment's tag.
FragmentsFragmentpageradapterAndroid RecyclerView
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FragmentsFragmentpageradapterAndroid RecyclerViewAndroid StudioServiceActivitiesBroadcast receiversGeofencingAndroid IntentsContent providers
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1 year experience
Designed and developed an automated Inventory management system from starting from Purchase Order to Shipmets to Carrier Booking to Live ...
Designed and developed an automated Inventory management system from starting from Purchase Order to Shipmets to Carrier Booking to Live Inventory Receive to IFD to Invoice Matching to TFD.
Inventory managementThrottle managementIntegration with all mws inventory api
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Inventory managementThrottle managementIntegration with all mws inventory apiError Handling
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Software Engineer
123Stores Inc.
As the 1st ever, grad hire in 123Stores's software engineering team, I began with integrating our ERP with 3rd party APIs (AWS & MWS majo...
As the 1st ever, grad hire in 123Stores's software engineering team, I began with integrating our ERP with 3rd party APIs (AWS & MWS majorly), built a scalable inventory, logistics module besides an address verification process. In Jan 2017, I was moved to a small team that's building 123Stores new tech platform from the ground up, leveraging AI & multiple components of machine learning and I now work on Spring Boot, Postgres, Redis, Event Sourcing and other exciting technologies.
Spring Boot
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Spring Boot
Event Sourcing
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Software Developer Intern
First project was a very interesting Secured Video Streaming Service then moved on to developing android app.
First project was a very interesting Secured Video Streaming Service then moved on to developing android app.
Video streaming
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Video streaming
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