Stefan Olimpiu

Stefan Olimpiu

Rising Codementor
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Programming teacher for beginners
Programming teacher for beginners


I've been a software developer for 5 years and a programming teacher for 2 years now.

I managed to help over 100 students to learn programming from scratch in order to land their first jobs as software developers.

When I see a student succeeding, I have an enormous satisfaction as I know that I contributed to him/her getting a better career and life.

How can I help you?

I want to do this with you, also.

I can help you with both back-end and front-end, mostly with Java and Javascript based technologies.
Also, I can help you to prepare for interviews and to coach you during your entire learning process (what practical projects to build, how to have a problem solving mindset, how to stand out with your CV, review your code, etc.)

I will make sure that you always understand the basics before going on to more complex tasks.

I will pay attention to your weak spots in order to improve them. I will never give you solutions right away, but I will guide you through your thought process.

When you look alone to the top of the mountain, it can be scary, but having me guiding you to the top will make things a lot easier.

Bucharest (+03:00)
Joined April 2022
5 years experience
3 years experience
3 years experience
4 years experience
4 years experience


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