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Codelobster - Free PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript editor (IDE)

Published Apr 10, 2017
Codelobster - Free PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript editor (IDE)

Free PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript editor - Codelobster PHP Edition

To create modern websites we need to know not only the technology, such as, for example, HTML5 and CSS3, but also to decide which editor to use for the job.

If your editor is constantly freezes, can't work with a large number of documents or does the wrong syntax highlighting, it's time to part with familiar tool and to opt for modern and productive applications.

There are many free and paid software programs on the market that are designed to make life easier for the developer, and to do the job of web programmer really comfortable and productive.

In this article we want to introduce you to a free editor Codelobster PHP Edition.


Let's look at the key features of this program:

• The main advantage of functionality of Codelobster is combined ease of use and intuitive user interface.

• Code highlighting is made depending on the type of programming language with use of different colors. We can select any of the available color schemes, including those used in other popular IDE. It supports mixed code highlighting, for example, in the same file, HTML will be highlighted by its own rules, PHP code as PHP, and JavaScript as JavaScript.

• Powerful auto-completion speeds up the work when writing HTML, PHP, CSS and JavaScript code.

• Recognition and construction of a complete PHP project structure - it provides easy navigation through all the files of the project, to edit any file connected to the project simply click on its name as on the link while holding down the CTRL key.

• HTML and CSS inspector works like famous FireBug - it makes it easy to highlight interesting HTML elements on the page and explore CSS styles mapped to them.

• The application has context-sensitive help for all supported programming languages - you can get a description of any HTML tags, CSS attribute, PHP or JavaScript functions by pressing F1. It uses the most actual documentation at the moment, which is downloaded from the official websites.

• PHP debugger - a tool that allows you to execute PHP scripts step by step, assign breakpoints, view the work of cycles and track the values of all variables, consistently moving along the lines of code.

• Integrated manager of SQL databases is also provided with a syntax highlighting and auto-completion, it not only allows to perform SQL queries and export data, but supports all the standard CRUD operations - create, read, update, and delete records in the database.

• Ability to work with the project on the hosting server through the built-in FTP client. You can make changes to the selected file, preview the results, and then synchronize the changes with the remote server.

• A portable version of application allows you to use the program without prior installation, and to start it from a USB drive or another connected to a computer device.

Codelobster PHP Edition, although it is a free editor, includes all the standard features for working with code that can be found in any paid programs for software development.

Among these useful features is:

• Double highlighting of brackets and tags, selection of blocks and code folding.

• Bookmarks for easier navigation on the edited file.

• Quick navigation on project and a preview in the embedded browser.

• Multi-language support for the user interface - English, Russian, German, Spanish, French and others.

• The program works on all Windows systems: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.

Also developed various plug-ins that extend the capabilities of the editor to work with popular CMS - Drupal, Joomla and WordPress engine for blogs.

Well implemented support of PHP frameworks like CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Symfony, Yii, Laravel and support of templating systems, for example, Smarty and Twig.

This free editor developed by Codelobster Software and can be downloaded from the official website

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