How Does A Dev Choose What Language To Write A Mobile App In?
I had never made a mobile app before (sorta). So i had to figure out what language to use.
This is a memory lane piece about my first mobile app that actually made it to the app stores.
The freelance project came from a college buddy's recommendation.
After the data challenges (of which there ALWAYS is), the first technical struggle was which language.
Darts, flutter, react native, objective c, whatever. I needed something that worked on BOTH iPhone and Android b/c i wasn't going to be writing this thing twice.
So i ended up choosing: React Native. Built by the fine folks over at Facebook.
React Native uses JavaScript (a language I already knew) to create native apps for both iOS and Android.
But wait, there's more! lol.
React native also comes with Expo. a software tool and ecosystem that lets deploy pre-release and demo versions without messing around with app stores. Seriously, it saves SO much time!
dealing with apple is a PAIN. so i tried to avoid it as much as possible.
A huge reason i make apps in react native is that i basically learn react at teh same time for cognitively free (is that a word?). I could build the monitoring and tracking dashboard using React too.
Same codebase, multiple output targets, similar syntax, huge ecosystem.
Thinking of building a mobile app? React Native is definitely worth checking out!
ReactNative #MobileDev #BuiltWithLove
P.S. What are your favorite tools for mobile app development? Share them in the comments!
Hey I’ve found you article related to my query: can you help me making the app of this website:
Howdy Aura. I am sure i can help in someway with your app.
I took a look at the website. I’ve never built games.
i’ve done more productivity / process based mobile applications.
that doesn’t mean i’m not up for the challenge of the soccer game.
shoot me a message here on the platform and tell me what you have going on.