Hello, I'm Simon.
I'm glad you are here, i want you to tell you about me.
I am electronic Engenieer in love with programming, Right now i am working on building my skillset in.
I've worked as a backend developer building an indoorlocation system similar to GPS but for indoor spaces using Ble beacons, my first tasks were to build the firmware of the hardware needed for that, i decided to use the ESP32 to build a beacon tag using Eddystone-TLM package, during tests we discovered we needed a more reliable tag and we decided to change technology using kontakt tag beacons.
This data needed to be delivered to a server, we solved this using a raspberryPI, we configured BlueZ library for respberryPI using NODE.JS we created a server in raspberryPI capable to recieve, send beacon data to main server using SOCKET.IO (realtime exchange). Lastly The main server was built using MongoDB, Express.js, Node.js creating User management (login, logout, signup, roles), data Storage, realtime data exhange, math calculations (distance propagation model, kalman Filter,...), the APIRest needed to interact with the backend were built and documented using postman.
My Second experience was PaaS, we needed to build an IoT device capable to meassure and control the level of a tank (residential tanks), i was building part of the dashboard to interact with, the dashboard was built using NodeRed. The users could see the level of the tank, historical charts showing input source during the week, month, pumps control (on/off).