I am a data scientist who has experience working with burgeoning companies like Siam Makro, Glance (Inmobi Group), EpiFi, and Tata 1mg.
I also have worked with different companies e.g. InterviewBit, Dezyre, and, RateCity as a research data science consultant.
My Domain Expertise is in Fintech, Edtech, and Ecommerce where I have built: recommendation engines, time-series forecasting models, product data science, natural language processing, etc.
I have a bias for action, solution-oriented, and have a good track record in communicating with stakeholders and establishing credibility. My role involves deciphering heaps of data, analyzing it, churning out meaningful insights from the data, and assisting stakeholders to make data-driven decisions.
I have experience in developing end-to-end data science models helping companies move business metrics. I constantly learn new things and explore new realms of data science.
Thailand's largest Wholesaler
◾ Collaborated on enhancing New Customer Identification for HORECA stores by leveraging an...
Thailand's largest Wholesaler
◾ Collaborated on enhancing New Customer Identification for HORECA stores by leveraging an Address Matching Algorithm, alongside integration with Google Maps and internal databases to discern whether a customer is new or existing.
◾ Developed Customer Life Stage Segmentation utilizing LLMs, discerning distinct life stages to tailor products accordingly. Leveraged historical transaction data to categorize users into life stages such as Family with Kids, Family with Babies, Family with Elders, Singles or Couples, and Large Joint Families.
◾️Worked on Ideating Multi-Lingual Thai language and English search engine algorithm
◾️Worked on similar product recommendations with Graph Neural Networks
ProjectPro (Formerly DeZyre)
Subject Matter Expert - Data Scientist (Consultant)
Created top-notch research-driven quality c...
ProjectPro (Formerly DeZyre)
Subject Matter Expert - Data Scientist (Consultant)
Created top-notch research-driven quality courses, which show my ability to study, learn, communicate, carry out research in a subject, and representation skills in the Data Science field.
My published courses are below:
[1] Ecommerce product reviews - Pairwise ranking and sentiment analysis
URL: https://www.projectpro.io/project-use-case/ecommerce-product-reviews-ranking-sentiment-analysis
[2] Demand prediction of driver availability using multistep time series analysis
URL: https://www.projectpro.io/project-use-case/demand-prediction-time-series
[3] Ola Ride Request Demand Forecast
URL: https://www.projectpro.io/project-use-case/ola-bike-rides-request-demand-forecast
[4] Building a Graph Based Recommendation System: https://www.projectpro.io/project-use-case/graph-based-recommendation-system-python
[5] Deepwalk and Node2vec Graph Recommendation at E-commerce: https://www.projectpro.io/project-use-case/graph-based-recommendation-system-python-for-ecommerce
I worked on two areas-Roposo (Short Video Entertainment and Commerce Platform) and Glance (LockScreen Entertainment and Awareness Plat...
I worked on two areas-Roposo (Short Video Entertainment and Commerce Platform) and Glance (LockScreen Entertainment and Awareness Platform).
Glance Roposo is a short-video entertainment and commerce platform.
▪️ Tier 2 Creators Persona Identification and Churn Prediction using K-Prototypes Clustering Algorithm on Creator Demographics Data and Engagement Activity.
▪️ User-Creator affinity identification using multi-criteria decision-making technique Topsis and graph algorithms (node2vec) on profile visit, follow, like, etc. This helped the platform provide a better recommendation for creator stories to users where user-creator affinity is high.
▪️ Gender Prediction: Imbalance Classification problem on behavioral features of the user; majority class is male and minority is female. Best Results: LightGBM + Undersampling technique EditedNearestNeighbour resulting in an AUC of 0.73 and an F1 Score of 0.69
▪️ Live Stream Ranking of Commerce Product - Based on User-Creator Affinity computed using past interactions of the user with the creator.
Glance Monetisation
▪️ For Ads targeting on LockScreen for different brands: finding Look-Alike User Segments
▪️ Capturing user's interest based on app install, improved one-click-install (OCI) by 38% on AUC score