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How I learned Laravel

Published Mar 15, 2018
How I learned Laravel

About me

A Computer Science graduate | Competitive Programmer | Web Developer | Problem Solver

Why I wanted to learn Laravel

I decided to make my final project as a social networking website. I started with the Basic building blocks like html/css, javacsript, php, mySQL etc. But it was so hectic to write code without a framework. So I searched the right approach to make a website and found this framework which made my work a lot easier than before.

How I approached learning Laravel

I went straight to the documentation page of Laravel: and set up my environment. I also took a step by step tutorials course which is also available on this website. The learning process was difficult in starting as the MVC environment was new to me but soon I got on the track and mastered the basics of the tool.

Challenges I faced

Obviously, I found difficulties while the learning as well as developing phase. But the documentation and the forums are so precise that it will solve all of your doubts regarding the framework.

Key takeaways

The key learnings while learning this framework were as follows:

  1. You must plan and design your project before starting the code.
  2. You should divide your project into modules and work on them separately to make a beautiful looking code.
  3. This tool makes you realize the importance of writing the modular code.
  4. It contains methods and in-built classes to connect and modify the database which is quite a beneficial and time saving step.

Tips and advice

For all the PHP web developers, I highly recommend this framework as it is easy to setup and let you learn the MVC kind of approach towards building your project.

Final thoughts and next steps

This is simply the best and most beautiful PHP framework for Websites in the world!

Discover and read more posts from Shashi Jangra
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Bar Merit
a year ago

Learning Laravel can be a rewarding experience, especially if you’re already familiar with PHP and web development concepts. Here’s a suggested learning path to help you get started with Laravel:

  1. Basic PHP Knowledge: Make sure you have a good understanding of PHP, including variables, data types, arrays, functions, and classes. You should also be familiar with HTML, CSS, and basic web development concepts.

  2. Install Laravel: Start by installing Laravel using Composer. You can create a new Laravel project by running:

    composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel your-project-name
  3. Explore the Laravel Documentation: Laravel has excellent documentation that covers all aspects of the framework. Start by reading the documentation to understand the basics of Laravel and its key features.

  4. Routing: Learn how to define routes in Laravel to handle different HTTP requests. Understand route parameters, named routes, and route groups.

  5. Views and Blade Templating: Learn how to create views using Laravel’s Blade templating engine. Understand how to use layouts, partials, and control structures in Blade.

  6. Controllers: Learn how to create controllers to handle the logic of your application. Understand how to use controllers to process requests and return responses.

  7. Database and Eloquent ORM: Learn how to configure your database in Laravel and use Eloquent ORM to interact with the database. Understand how to define models, relationships, and perform CRUD operations.

  8. Authentication: Learn how to use Laravel’s built-in authentication features to add user registration, login, and password reset functionality to your application.

  9. Middleware: Understand how middleware works in Laravel and how to use it to add additional layers of logic to your application’s HTTP requests.

  10. Form Validation: Learn how to use Laravel’s form validation features to validate incoming request data before processing it.

  11. CRUD Operations: Practice creating a simple CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application in Laravel to solidify your understanding of the framework’s key concepts.

  12. Testing: Learn how to write tests for your Laravel applications using PHPUnit. Understand how to test routes, controllers, and models to ensure your application behaves as expected.

  13. Deployment: Learn how to deploy your Laravel application to a web server. Consider using Laravel Forge or Envoyer for managing deployments.

  14. Advanced Topics: Once you’re comfortable with the basics, explore more advanced topics in Laravel such as queues, events, broadcasting, and API development.

  15. Community and Resources: Join the Laravel community to stay updated with the latest news and trends. Follow Laravel blogs, forums, and social media channels to connect with other developers and learn from their experiences.

By following this learning path and building projects along the way, you’ll gradually become proficient in Laravel and be able to build robust web applications with ease.<a href=“”>barmerit notes</a>