Senior Software Engineer - C++ Developer
I brought to the company the culture of to work together using Git to control all source code changes. I worked a lot with C++ programmin...
I brought to the company the culture of to work together using Git to control all source code changes. I worked a lot with C++ programming language using wxWidget in Windows Platform (Visual Studio). I was responsible to reformulate all canvas interface using computer graphics concepts of a software called SIGA ( This way was possible to load huge hydrological network models. I worked with GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library) to improve a method used to calculate the rainfall average in a Basin (Thiessen Method). I worked a lot with CMake to create a multi-platform version of SIGA. I improved the performance of the open project method. All of this changes improved the overall performance of the SIGA and it will be used by a main government institution of water allocation resources in Brazil. Skills: Software and System Architecture, Git, SVN, C++, wxWidgets, CMake, Linux, Windows, Mac OSX, Visual Studio, GDAL, QT5, GLPK. Open Source Projects:
Software Engineer - IOS Developer
I worked in a Kickstarter called Weelo. I was the main iOS developer and I was responsible for develop a chat app from scratch using Obje...
I worked in a Kickstarter called Weelo. I was the main iOS developer and I was responsible for develop a chat app from scratch using Objective-C, XMPP Protocol in Apple Development Platform (XCode). I worked with many frameworks to bring to the app a lot of features like google maps localization, facebook login for news users, customized XMPP Protocol, Asynchronous Programming to upload images to Amazon S3 service. Skills: Software and System Architecture, Git, Objective-C, XCode, iOS 6 and 7, Mac OSX, Network, XMPP Protocol, Amazon SDK, Google Maps SDK, Facebook SDK. Open Source Projects: