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JMeter Script Recording | Know About Scenario Recordings

Published May 12, 2019
JMeter Script Recording | Know About Scenario Recordings

The Software Development process is becoming complex each day. Thus, the software testing methods need to evolve to keep up with the development approaches. In this JMeter Script Recording article, we will learn how to record browser interactions in JMeter in the following sequence:

What is Script Recording?

Record Testing is a method of script recording that helps the tester to run their activity against the test target. JMeter is one of the most preferred tools for software testing approaches. The Test Script Recorder in JMeter is designed to record such scenarios. So, your JMeter works like a proxy with the help of the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder.


A Proxy is a component which inserts between you and the remote server. It is similar to a man-in-the-middle attack but in this case, you are spying on yourself. So you can record browser interactions when your JMeter starts acting like a proxy. It is one of the advanced approaches in software testing to eliminate the complexity of browser interactions.


You need to be well versed with the working of JMeter before you start the process of script recording. If you have any doubts regarding this tool, you can check out the JMeter Tutorial for more knowledge. The software requirements for JMeter Script recording include:

These are some of the prerequisites for script recording in JMeter. Now let’s move ahead and have a look at the different steps involved in the process of recording browser interactions.

Steps to Record a Script

There are certain basic steps involved in the process of script recording. While using JMeter, you have to perform a number of tasks to obtain browser interactions. The steps required for recording a script are:


  • Setting HTPP Proxy Server
  • Record your Activity
  • Run your Test Plan
  • Save your Test Result

JMeter helps you record a script without much hassle and in a simpler manner. So, let’s move ahead and see how to record a script in JMeter with an example.

JMeter Script Recording: Demo

  • Firstly, you have to start your JMeter and select the Test Plan.
  • Next, Right click on the Test Plan and add a Thread Group.


  • Then you have to add HTTP Request and enter the Server name or IP of the website for which you are recording the script. Right click on Thread Group , select Sampler and add HTTP Request.


  • After adding HTTP Request , you have to add a Recording Controller. Right click on Thread Group , select Logic Controller and add Recording Controller.


  • Next, you have to add HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder. This helps the JMeter to act as a proxy. Right click on the Test Plan , select Non-Test Elements and add HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder.


  • After adding the Proxy Server, you have to set the Port Number and the Target Controller on which you want to record the script. Once the target controller is set, you can click on the Start button and begin the JMeter proxy server.


  • Before recording the activity of your website, open Firefox web browser and change the proxy settings. Click on Network Settings , select Manual Proxy Configuration and set the port number the same as the one in HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder.


  • Now go to the Firefox web browser and open the website as specified in HTTP Request. Once the page has been loaded, you can open JMeter and check the events under Recording Controller.
  • All the events that took place while loading the website have been recorded as a script in JMeter.


These are the steps you need to follow in the process of Script Recording in JMeter. With this, we have come to the end of this article. I hope you understood how you can use JMeter as a proxy server to record browser interactions.

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9 months ago

Thanks for the detailed explanation. check here for more