Sandeep Saurabh

Sandeep Saurabh

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Senior Data Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer, Python Mentor, Researcher. Speaker at PyCon Thailand, PyData Delhi, HelloMeets.
Senior Data Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer, Python Mentor, Researcher. Speaker at PyCon Thailand, PyData Delhi, HelloMeets.
I am working as a Senior Applied Scientist at Zalando SE in Berlin, Germany . Previously, I have been associated with multiple startups like LabStreet, FarmGuide, WittyMart and MNCs like WellsFargo and Times Internet Ltd.

I graduated with 5 year Integrated M.Tech in Mathematics and Computing from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi (2007-12). I have 5+ year of industrial experience and have been dabbled in many programming languages so far including Python, Java, Javascript, Golang etc. Currently, I'm working on cutting edge technology of AI algorithms including Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision.

I've been speaker at multiple PyCon including Delhi, Thailand and Japan. I've also mentored undergraduate students and organise hands-on workshops in the field of Machine Learning. I'm an open source contributor as well.

Berlin (+01:00)
Joined October 2018
6 years experience
6+ years of experience with Python Programming Speaker at PyCon Thailand, PyData Delhi. Organised a hands on workshop in python with hell...
6+ years of experience with Python Programming Speaker at PyCon Thailand, PyData Delhi. Organised a hands on workshop in python with hellomeets. ( Worked with Web development in Python frameworks like Django, Flask as well as Data Science libraries like numpy, pandas etc Proficient in mentoring and demonstrating difficult concepts of python in simpler ways. Editing a book on Python, that is going to be announced soon.
Python 3Python 2PandasDjangoPythonData science in python
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12 years experience
6+ years of experience with Python Programming Speaker at PyCon Thailand, PyData Delhi. Organised a hands on workshop in python with hell...
6+ years of experience with Python Programming Speaker at PyCon Thailand, PyData Delhi. Organised a hands on workshop in python with hellomeets. ( Worked with Web development in Python frameworks like Django, Flask as well as Data Science libraries like numpy, pandas etc Proficient in mentoring and demonstrating difficult concepts of python in simpler ways. Editing a book on Python, that is going to be announced soon.
3 years experience
- Have used multiple python libraries like matplotlib, seaborn, pyplot etc to complete visualizations on different projects. - Generated ...
- Have used multiple python libraries like matplotlib, seaborn, pyplot etc to complete visualizations on different projects. - Generated real-time Interactive html webpage visualizations using D3.js - Used graphs, charts etc to convey the final results and findings of a project
Data VisualizationMatplotlibSeabornPyplotPie chartBar GraphScatterplotD3.jsGraphs
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5 years experience
Completed 5 year course-work in Mathematics and Computing from IIT Delhi.
Completed 5 year course-work in Mathematics and Computing from IIT Delhi.
2 years experience
- Have built some website as well webpages from scratch using html/css. - Ongoing personal website development - https://sandeep-saurabh....
- Have built some website as well webpages from scratch using html/css. - Ongoing personal website development -
2 years experience
- Worked with MongoDb to store the unstructured data in various projects. - Implemented NoSQL database to work efficiently and flexibily ...
- Worked with MongoDb to store the unstructured data in various projects. - Implemented NoSQL database to work efficiently and flexibily with JSON objects
MongoDBNoSQLJSONDatabaseDatabase schema, database designBig Data
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2 years experience
- Working in collaborations with large teams using version control systems. - Mentored colleagues on branch-merge conflicts and other fre...
- Working in collaborations with large teams using version control systems. - Mentored colleagues on branch-merge conflicts and other frequent problems faced during development.


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Stack Overflow
1 Reputation
Senior Applied Scientist
Zalando SE
I joined the Customer Care team of Zalando as the first Applied Scientist on the team. Since then I have welcomed and guided a few more a...
I joined the Customer Care team of Zalando as the first Applied Scientist on the team. Since then I have welcomed and guided a few more applied scientists on the team. I have supported the Product Safety& Quality team in estimating safety and quality issues using NLP models. Apart from that, as part of the Customer Care team, I have started working on a machine learning model to predict late delivery of products, mainly using the XGBoost model
Python 3
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Python 3
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Project Manager (AI Labs)
Bengaluru Area, India BRIDGEi2i Analytics Solutions
Bengaluru Area, India BRIDGEi2i Analytics Solutions
Senior Analytics Consultant (AI Labs)
Bangalore Senior Data Scientist , Machine Learning Lead PyCon
Bangalore Senior Data Scientist , Machine Learning Lead PyCon
Capsule Network Research ReportView Project
Computer Vision
Neural Networks
Computer Vision
Neural Networks