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Current Skills

Published Mar 27, 2019
Current Skills

I am currently a senior Computer Science student at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. My top skill sets I have at the moment is python and discrete mathematics. I have had 3 years python and java experience but I still can not call myself an absolute expert. I know the basic algorithms such as linear search and prims minimal spanning tree. I also am well educated in Mathematical Logic and use that knowledge to help myself understand math topics. I have studied the binary formats of PCM and PPM files so that I can write them from scratch rather than relying on a library. In Python, I can construct GUI applications using MVC archictecture. Sadly, I still have yet to reach that point in Java, but I think python is an optimal language when in comes to learning software construction. I also studied a little bit of C so I can become more familiar with microcontroller programming which is currently an area that I am trying to pursue.

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