
Ryan Mann

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.Net Tech Stack Mentor - Full stack Web Development
.Net Tech Stack Mentor - Full stack Web Development
Eastern Time (US & Canada) (-04:00)
Joined August 2016
6 years experience
I know a good amount of CSS to get by. However I am not a web designer. Often times I work with designers and tweak CSS to their design...
I know a good amount of CSS to get by. However I am not a web designer. Often times I work with designers and tweak CSS to their designs. I focus more heavily on backend development. I can do CSS, and answer many CSS questions, but I wouldn't say I'm in the top or worthy of mentoring purely based on my CSS.
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14 years experience
I've been writing code in C# since .Net 2.0 came out. It is my primary language and I do everything I can in it. I am up to speed with ...
I've been writing code in C# since .Net 2.0 came out. It is my primary language and I do everything I can in it. I am up to speed with .Net core and all the latest frameworks and the c# language as a whole. Prior to 2010 I worked in online gaming communities for Final Fantasy Eleven building bots and gameplay aids for the game. In 2010 I started work at SusQtech (Bought by Protiviti) as a Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Developer. Working on SharePoint I helped build many SharePoint ecosystems, as they were government contracts I can't go into much detail on the SharePoint sites I worked on. My responsibilities at Protiviti Included building WebParts, Authentication Systems, and Complete custom Form Systems. For example, I built a very complex Financial Form with over 300 fields on it for a Famous Bank. At the Library Corporation I took on Legacy Classic ASP code, and .Net Code. Then built new Systems on .Net 4.5.2 running on top of Umbraco 7 as the Senior Lead on a 2 man Team. Language wise, I fully understand all of the languages features from Llamba Expressions to Generics and Linq. I would say out of all my skills, my strongest is c#.
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6 years experience
I can build full systems both with Custom SQL and with ORM's (Object Relational Managers) and know when using an ORM is ok and when it's ...
I can build full systems both with Custom SQL and with ORM's (Object Relational Managers) and know when using an ORM is ok and when it's not (Also depends on the ORM). I understand how to create Tables, Views, Stored Procedures, and more. On MS-SQL Products I can even create CLR objects in c# that can be loaded into SQL to extend it. I usually avoid doing this though as it ties you down to SQL and makes it difficult to port to a different RDBM down the road. However, sometimes, you really need the power a CLR object can give you inside the close to the metal performance of the SQL Engine. I would say all my experience on MS-SQL products transitioned me to PostgreSQL. I generally use PostgreSQL whenever I can now because we can run them on Linux and kill our Windows Licenses. Umbraco however, does not support PostgreSQL yet, so I still use a lot of Microsoft SQL Server.
0 year experience
My explanation in the c# tag applies here as well
My explanation in the c# tag applies here as well
.net 4.5.net 4.0ASP.NET
.net 4.5.net 4.0ASP.NET
1 year experience
My experience with Node.JS is in using it as a build and distribution platform for SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) and ECMA 6 S...
My experience with Node.JS is in using it as a build and distribution platform for SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) and ECMA 6 Script transformations. As well as compiling custom builds of Bootstrap and other Scss/Js based libraries.
Gulp-SassGulp uglifyjsGulp clean css
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Gulp-SassGulp uglifyjsGulp clean cssHTML/CSSnpm
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6 years experience
JQuery has been a staple of just about every project I've worked on in the last 6 years. I've written some private Jquery plugins, and u...
JQuery has been a staple of just about every project I've worked on in the last 6 years. I've written some private Jquery plugins, and used a plethora of other's jquery plugins.
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1 year experience
I started using Angular Heavily about a year and a half ago. However for easier SEO I use it in a hybrid like way. For example, I ...
I started using Angular Heavily about a year and a half ago. However for easier SEO I use it in a hybrid like way. For example, I use angular for all the forms, with angular-messages paired with bootstrap for nice looking client side validation that's easy to build and maintain. Then we still have traditional MVC routes in the backend navigating around. Which means not using angular's router or location service. I've also written many directives that do ajax requests to server side rest services for things like Email and Address Verification.


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