Rushdi Majiet

Rushdi Majiet

Rising Codementor
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Senior Web developer with a strong focus on Laravel and Test-driven development
Senior Web developer with a strong focus on Laravel and Test-driven development

Irrespective of the technical or software stack, I enjoy working on projects that are meaningful - has a clear set of objectives, is customer focused, and ultimately adds value to the consumer. That being said, my skills are focused around web and I've been programming since 2002

My strengths are around working with Laravel/Lumen for consuming and producing RESTful API's

Pretoria (+02:00)
Joined November 2017
12 years experience
From working with Facebook PHP SDK, Twitter SDK to customizing CMS components and extensions. I've worked with various Content Management...
From working with Facebook PHP SDK, Twitter SDK to customizing CMS components and extensions. I've worked with various Content Management Systems creating plugins and extensions for ExpressionEngine, WordPress, Joomla etc. I've also created RESTful API's in Laravel, Lumen, CodeIgniter and Yii using OAUTH 1.0 and 2.0
10 years experience
Creating feature branches off a main Develop branch and hotfix branches off master. Ensuring that all pushed code is reviewed by other pe...
Creating feature branches off a main Develop branch and hotfix branches off master. Ensuring that all pushed code is reviewed by other peers through a Pull/Merge request
Git flowGitHubGitLabBitbucketGit
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8 years experience
Cutting/Slicing PSD's (Photoshop Design files) and creating responsive HTML5+CSS3 static files. I've worked with various brands at intern...
Cutting/Slicing PSD's (Photoshop Design files) and creating responsive HTML5+CSS3 static files. I've worked with various brands at international Advertising Agencies where the focus was on creative and therefore the HTML+CSS markup had to mirror the design
Html5, css3 and jquery
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Html5, css3 and jquery
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14 years experience
Creating ER Diagrams for small and large scale databases using standard normalisation techniques to ensure there is no data redundancy an...
Creating ER Diagrams for small and large scale databases using standard normalisation techniques to ensure there is no data redundancy and a focus on data integrity
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9 years experience
By far my PHP framework of choice. I tend to keep up-to-date following Laracasts. With all Laravel/Lumen projects I work on, I ensure tha...
By far my PHP framework of choice. I tend to keep up-to-date following Laracasts. With all Laravel/Lumen projects I work on, I ensure that there is at least 80% code coverage and use a test-driven development approach. I prefer extracting long-running tasks into queues (BeanstalkD, IronMQ, ActiveMQ, AmazonSQS) so as to ensure there are no long delays where a user is waiting for a response. I also enjoy modelling an application around events and, like Jeffrey Way demonstrates through Laracasts, I tend to use SOLID principles to keep classes reusable and as small as possible. This makes for easy maintenance
10 years experience
3 years experience
Building Web apps and Micro Services using TDD
Building Web apps and Micro Services using TDD


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Chief Technology Officer
Hello Peter
Here I've been delving into VueJS and also following Laracasts test-driven development approach to Vue. Using Lumen and Laravel for RESTf...
Here I've been delving into VueJS and also following Laracasts test-driven development approach to Vue. Using Lumen and Laravel for RESTful API's and JWT for authentication. Core focus on test-driven development on both backend and frontend and optimizing legacy code for more scalable, robust and testable code. Lately I've been converting a monolith written in PHP into Go as micro services using Redis Streams as a Message Bus
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Test driven development
Event Sourcing
Jwt authentication
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Senior Software Engineer
Here I shuffled between Java and PHP projects. I joined ViaMedia as a Senior Web Specialist, but lately my focus has been around both Web...
Here I shuffled between Java and PHP projects. I joined ViaMedia as a Senior Web Specialist, but lately my focus has been around both Web and Java-based application development using the Spring framework. Most of the work is built around integrating with MNO’s inside and outside of South Africa by creating and consuming RESTful or SOAP services. Here there is a strict focus on Test Driven Development, Jenkins automated testing and analyzing SonarCube suggestions and coverage reports. A strict Git workflow is used and peer and code reviews a must as we’re trying to eliminate much of the technical debt ViaMedia has gained over the years. The technology stack is quite huge and ranges across PHP/Laravel, Python, Java/Spring, Cacti, Amazon SQS, EC2, Elastic Beanstalk, ActiveMQ, Nexus, Angular and using SOLID principles also favouring the Repository Pattern. When migrating legacy Java applications, we convert to Spring Boot with at least 80% test coverage. Profiling of any PHP code is done using BlackFire IO and results are shared within the team before any decisions are made for refactoring.
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Amazon SQS
Spring Boot
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Senior Developer
I joined M4JAM as a Senior Developer and used CodeIgniter, ExpressionEngine, Django, Postgres, MongoDB and ExpressJS. What I enjoyed most...
I joined M4JAM as a Senior Developer and used CodeIgniter, ExpressionEngine, Django, Postgres, MongoDB and ExpressJS. What I enjoyed most at M4JAM was that we (developers) were allowed to choose the best tech stack for every problem we were presented with. We integrated first with Parse API and then migrated to a RESTful API that we built in Django 1.7. I setup the Linode environments and managed deployment scripts inside Ansible for all our applications. Our Django applications had a big focus on Test Driven Development and we were able to scale to multiple application instances. M4JAM was my first real production exposure to Python/Django and I was thrown in the deep end having to quickly flesh out solutions in Django, ExpressJS or PHP. I created the integration of our PHP platform with the PayLine payment gateway. I was the only developer doing the PHP work which consisted mostly of writing modules and extensions in CodeIgniter for ExpressionEngine and worked in a small team of developers with Python/Django projects.
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Billing Integration for Mobile Network Operators
Amazon SQS
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Amazon SQS
Spring Boot
Aws elastic beanstalk
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Flying Fish Launch Website
Html5, css3 and jquery
Html5, css3 and jquery