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Published May 28, 2019

A simple introduction to create fantastic apps with Flutter

Installing the Flutter (Windows)

  1. Download Flutter
  2. Extract the Flutter to a folder of preference (do not install in a location like C:\Program Files because it requires elevated privileges)
  3. Run the file flutter_console.bat

A prompt window with Flutter commands will open.

For a better way to work with Flutter, add the flutter\bin folder to the path of your S.O.

Preparing environment (Android)

  1. Tools

    1. Download Android Studio
    2. Open Android Studio after the download go to the Android Studio Setup Wizard, and install the latest versions of Android SDK, Android SDK Platform-Tools, and Android SDK Build-Tools
  2. Preparing to roll no device

    1. Enable 'Developer optionsandUSB debugging` options on the device
    2. Download Google USB Driver
    3. Play your phone to your computer
    4. Run the flutter devices command to make sure Flutter has recognized your device
  3. Preparing to run on the emulator

    1. Enable VW acceleration
    2. Go to Android Studio> Tools> Android> AVD Manager and Select Create Virtual Device
    3. Choose a template and move forward
    4. Choose image (x86)
    5. Enable Hardware Acceleration clicando em Hardware - GLES 2.0
    6. Click Finish
    7. Click to rotate

Running the Project

  1. Installing dependencies

    1. Go to the main project folder
    2. Run the flutter packages get command
  2. Rotate project

    1. flutter devices to confirm that there are devices / emulators available
    2. flutter run
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