I did PhD in semantic web. My specialization in Python(django, Flask) web development. my expertise in Generative AI, RDF/Ontology SPARQL query, Neo4j Cypher query and Amazon Services like Glue, lamda, RDS, S3,EC2, Neptune, GatewayAPI . I have aslo worked in elasticsearch with Kibana and IBM certify in Python/R ML, NLP(nltk,spacy,textblob,wordnet) and DL ( Keras and Tensorflow). I know ReactJS Redux. Other skills in Django REST API, .NET Core MVC REST API (postman), OAuth2.0, Graph DB, Apache Jena Fuseki Server, Protégé, Reasoner, Ontology Development, Data Analysis, Tabluea Data Visualization, Web Scrapping, AWS cloud, PHP(core, wordpress and laravel), C#, JAVA and Excel. I can do Assignment for research scholar too. I know MS SQL Server, MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle PLSQL and PostgreSQL.