Front-End Engineer with Javascript, Node.JS ( m.e.a.n stack development ) PHP and MySQL ( lamp stack development ) experience. Currently, I primarily work on building Javascript web applications utilizing Node.JS, Express, AngularJS/ ReactJS, and Mongo with a side of SASS/Gulp. I write modular, scalable and maintainable code for both my peace of mind and that of my teams. The methods I currently implement to sustain this peace of mind, are as follows: Test-Driven Development, an AGILE methodology that flips the development life cycle by ensuring that tests are written, before the code is implemented, and that tests drive the development ( and are not just used as validation tools ). Code is written only when there is a failing test that requires the code to pass. The bare minimum amount of code is written to ensure that the test passes. Duplication is removed at every step. When all tests pass, the next failing test is added for the next required functionality. Test Runner vs Testing Framework / Use Jasmine to write assertion tests that will be evaluated and found,ran,and results captured with Karma. April 2011 I redesigned and developed the Exent.com website from scratch. As a strategic thinker I am able to understand business goals and product requirements, and translate those ideas into creative, innovative, functional, design concepts. I enjoy working with a team to solve the issues of visual design and interaction development with efficiency and creativity.