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Smarter, Safer Refactoring with Scientist 🔬⚗️

Published Jun 28, 2019Last updated Dec 25, 2019
Smarter, Safer Refactoring with Scientist 🔬⚗️

Scientist is a Ruby library that takes the uncertainty out of refactoring. It’s not for writing tests, and it’s not meant to replace them. Rather, it shows you how refactored code would work in production without actually using it in production. If you do any kind of refactoring around code that you cannot afford to break, Scientist is for you.

This post will cover how to get started with Scientist, along with some common pitfalls—but first, a little context.

The Trouble with Refactoring

In any business that’s under pressure to deliver working software on time (as in, all startups), refactoring is a tough sell. It doesn’t fix your bugs and it doesn’t deliver new features, so its value is entirely invisible to your customers. And when your customers are paying you to solve their problems, you might find it hard to justify paying that money back to your development team just to redesign code that works already.

But give me an engineer who’s joined a project that someone else built in a hurry, and I’ll give you someone who swears up and down that it’s long, long overdue for a facelift. There’s plenty of great reading out there already about the virtues of refactoring, so I won’t get into it (but if you need a little more convincing, take it from Martin Fowler, the Father of Refactoring himself).

Trouble is, when you actually sit down to do it, there’s always the same hiccup: the code that really needs to be refactored is fragile, mission-critical code that no one wants to touch with a ten-foot pole.

Sandi Metz described this phenomenon in a talk last year. She calls it the Death Star Anti-Pattern, and goes so far as to say, “Everyone has this problem.” Her talk offers OOP principles as a remedy (it’s good; watch it), but that only fixes half the problem. Your test suite is supposed to take care of the other half—namely, that you cannot afford to break the code you’ve just refactored—but sometimes, it’s just not enough.

Maybe it calls out to a third-party API in a way that your test suite can’t. Maybe it used to be slow and now it’s not, and a performance regression would cost you precious customers. Maybe there are just more inputs and edge cases than you could possibly plan for.

Whatever the case may be, you’ve got yourself in a catch-22: You can’t push your changes to production because you don’t know how they’ll behave in the wild; on the other hand, you can’t know how they’ll behave in the wild until you push them to production. They’re effectively stuck in refactoring purgatory.

That’s where Scientist comes in.

The Basics

With Scientist, your production codebase contains both old and new versions of the refactored code at the same time. Your app will continue to use the old version (so it behaves exactly the same as before), but each time the code is invoked, it test-drives the new version and reports any differences.


is dead simple:

science "My first experiment" do |experiment|
  experiment.use { original_code }
  experiment.try { refactored_code }

(I’ve omitted a little bit of boilerplate to keep things simple, but you can look it up in the README.)


is just a tiny bit messier:

class MyExperiment
  include Scientist::Experiment
  attr_accessor :name

  def initialize(name)
    @name = name

  def enabled?

  def publish(result)

# Tell the `science` method to use your new experiment class
module Scientist::Experiment

You’ll have to define custom implementations for #enabled? and #publish. One is called before each experiment and determines whether it will run at all; the other is called after each experiment and—you guessed it—publishes the results.

If you’re on a Rails project, put this stuff in an initializer.

Check the README for a detailed rundown of configuration options and the API. For now, let’s dig a little deeper into the two methods we saw above.


The easiest approach is to just run the experiment every single time:

def enabled?

So why would you do it any other way?

  • You probably don’t want to run experiments in your development or testing environments. In a Rails app, limit experiments to staging/production with

    def enabled?
      Rails.env.staging? || Rails.env.production?

    There are other approaches to this, if you want to get clever.

  • Both branches of your experiment run in the foreground, one after the other. If they’re resource-intensive operations, it might not be worth it to run them every single time. Former GitHub principal engineer Jesse Toth explains:

    We often slowly ramp up the percentage of requests that run a Scientist experiment if we think the experiment will be very expensive. Running an experiment on 1% or 5% of the traffic can be enough to gather a lot of performance and mismatch data.

    The official docs contain a good sample configuration for “ramping up experiments” in this way.


The README contains a great sample implementation of #publish that pushes results to Graphite (via StatsD) and Redis. But if you don’t have that kind of reporting apparatus set up around your application, not to worry—there’s no reason we can’t adapt it to use plain old text files instead.

The following configuration will publish results under log/scientist/<experiment-name>/, with timing and mismatch data stored as YAML and capped at 1,000 entries max:

class MyExperiment
  include Scientist::Experiment
  attr_accessor :name

  def initialize(name)
    @name = name


  def publish(result)

    if result.matched?
    elsif result.ignored?


  # requires active_support/core_ext/string
  def log_dir
    @log_dir ||= Rails.root.join('log', 'scientist', name.parameterize)

  def store_timing_data
    fname = log_dir.join('timing.yml')

    log = begin
            YAML.safe_load(, [Symbol])
          rescue Errno::ENOENT
            { control: [], candidate: [] }

    log.values.each { |timings| timings.shift if timings.length > 1000 }

    File.write(fname, log.to_yaml)

  def increment(type)
    fname = log_dir.join(type)
  rescue Errno::ENOENT
    File.write(fname, "0\n")

  def store_mismatch_data(result)
    payload = {
      name:            name,
      context:         context,
      control:         observation_payload(result.control),
      candidate:       observation_payload(result.candidates.first),

    fname = log_dir.join('mismatch_data.yml')

    log = begin
            YAML.safe_load(, [Symbol])
          rescue Errno::ENOENT

    log.shift if log.length > 1000
    File.write(fname, log.to_yaml)

  def observation_payload(observation)
    if observation.raised?
        exception: observation.exception.class,
        message:   observation.exception.message,
        backtrace: observation.exception.backtrace
        value: observation.cleaned_value

Pitfall: Side Effects

One of the biggest gotchas with Scientist is that it’s principally focused on return values rather than side effects (functional programmers unite!). That is, the success or failure of your experiments depends solely on whether your #use and #try blocks (or “control” and “candidate”) return the same value (though there’s room for configuration).

This can prove problematic when, for instance, dealing with logic that dispatches emails or processes payments. Because Scientist executes both versions of the code, one of two things must be true:

  1. Either the code is idempotent, which means Scientist has no way to verify that the second branch of the experiment actually did anything, or
  2. the code is not idempotent, in which case emails get sent (or payments processed!) twice.

This is a significant limitation of the library, although there is one potential workaround when the side effect in question is a database write: wrap your #try branch in a transaction and issue a rollback at the end.

Pitfall: Impure Functions

One refactoring I worked on recently was for a “counter” method: each time you call it, it returns a unique numeric string starting with the current date. So for instance, if you called it three times today and once tomorrow, the four return values you’d get are:

  • "201906290001"
  • "201906290002"
  • "201906290003"
  • "201906300001"

Technically, this constituted a special case of side effects: the numbers are assigned to “tickets” in the system, so each time the #try block runs, it would advance the counter and a ticket number would be “wasted”.

But even without this quirk, it would still be a poor fit for Scientist. Imagine if instead the function simply returned the current Unix time: side effects or no, there’d be no way to reliably compare the return values.

Unfortunately, I am not aware of any workarounds for impure functions with Scientist, unless the expected difference between the return values can be reliably predicted a priori.

Wrapping Up

In spite of these pitfalls, Scientist is a remarkably clever tool for refactoring sensitive parts of your application with confidence. (There’s a reason it’s been ported to thirteen other languages!)

If your codebase is in dire need of a redesign, give it a try. Who knows—you might even manage to convince your client/manager/etc. that a little refactoring is worth the time.

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Victor Ivri
6 years ago

Something like this is necessary for Ruby, and that’s why my go-to langs are statically compiled.