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Computer Network help

Published Oct 28, 2018

I have this code to implement Mininet.

  • Write a simple program (in Java/C/Python) which takes as input depth and fanout arguments, and produces the forwarding rules (in the dpctl format) which allow communication between all of the hosts in Mininet for a topology with that depth and fanout. In other words, after installing the forwarding rules, pingall should succeed in Mininet.

and here forwarding rules in the dpctl format just include them in code.

// you can add code to forwarding/, which already has all the functionality to compute the tree with given depth/fanout etc.

// in that file, you'll find the following line:

LinkedList<TreeNode> leaves = root.getLeaves(); // these are the HOSTS

// your code should be placed immediately after that line

// there is a variable called "root", which is the ROOT NODE of the tree (in the above example, the root is "s1"

/* Step 1: write a function called computePath which finds a PATH from a source node to a destination node:

List<Interface> computePath(TreeNode src, TreeNode dst) {
// first, compute the list of ancestors of src, by using src.getParent() and/or src.getParentInterface(). You will know when you've reached the root node when getParent() returns null.

// do the same thing for dst (compute a list of its ancestors)

// find the first index i=0,1,2,... where srcAncestors[i] = dstAncestors[i]

// this node is the "least common ancestor" of src and dst

// the path from src to dst is then [srcAncestors[0], ..., srcAncestors[i], dstAncestors[i-1], ..., dstAncestors[0]]

// for each node along this path, you need to create a new Interface(in, s, out), where in is the input interface and out is the output interface and s is the node

// EXAMPLE: for the above path [s2,s1,s3] in the picture, you would create the list:
// [new Interface(1,s2,3), new Interface(1,s1,2), new Interface(3,s3,1)]

// there are methods x.getParentInterface() and x.getChildInterface(y) which let you get the ID for a parent interface of node x, and child interface for child y of x, respectively.

// finally, return this list of interfaces

/* Step 2: write a function called printPath which takes a computed path, and prints the forwarding rules, as described in the Lab3 writeup

void printPath(TreeNode src, TreeNode dst, List<Interface> path) {
for(Interface i : path) {
int inputInterface = i.iface;
int outputInterface = i.getIface2();
Node node = i.node;

  // you now simply print a forwarding rule(s) for that node, and those interfaces

  // the Lab3 writeup shows you exactly which rules you would need to use for each hop along an example path

  // remember that traffic needs to be able to flow in BOTH directions through this node,
  // and you need to allow both IP and ARP packets


/* Step 3: go through each pair of (src,dst) hosts, and compute/print the path:

for(TreeNode src : leaves) {
for(TreeNode dst : leaves) {
if( < {
List<Interface> path = computePath(src, dst);
printPath(src, dst, path);

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