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How I Build the Restaurant Recipe Board Vue App

Published Jun 04, 2020
How I Build the Restaurant Recipe Board Vue App

What You'll learn:

Things Covered While Building The App

  1. Vue Cli App Bootstrapping
  2. Scalable Folder Structure
  3. Axios Api Call Integration
  4. Api Data Consuming in Vue Component
  5. Vue Router
  6. Progress Bar Implementation using Axios Interceptors

About this App:

A fun way of learning vue js by building the realtime Restaurant recipe board.

Application consists of 2 views:

  1. BoardView(Display recipe information categorized by course type).
  2. RecipeDetailView(Detailed information of recipe).

Prerequisites for this app.

  1. Modern JavaScript
  2. Vue Fundamentals

App Building Videos:

Its a small crashcourse video serious you can find on my youtube channel.
Video Series

App Source Code

Live App:
Thanks to UX Design Inspiration

Stay focused on my channel for more programming videos.

Thanks All.

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