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How to upload file to AWS S3 bucket using Spring boot

Published Aug 04, 2020

Provide below dependency in pom.xml:

<!-- -->

Below is the code snippet


public class S3Factory {
  AmazonS3 amazonS3Client;

  @Value("${}") // Default S3 bucket name. You need to create the bucket manually on AWS S3
  String defaultBucketName;

  @Value("${s3.default.folder}") // The folder inside S3 bucket where the file will be logically store.
  String defaultBaseFolder;
  public void uploadFile(String filedir, String name, byte[] content) {
    File file = new File(name);
    try (FileOutputStream iofs = new FileOutputStream(file)) {
      amazonS3Client.putObject(defaultBucketName, defaultBaseFolder + "/" + filedir + "/" + file.getName(), file);
    } catch (IOException e) {

Now your code is ready, now to use it autowire it in any service class like below:

S3Factory s3Factory;

And invoke it like below.
s3Factory.uploadFile(fileDir, fileName.toString(), file.getBytes());

Your file is now stored in S3 bucket.

Is not it awsome ?!!! Happy Coding 😃

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