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Taking a remote backup of AWS RDS database

Published May 07, 2019
Taking a remote backup of AWS RDS database

I wanted to do some experiments on my prod database which hosted on rds in aws locally.

after googling for sometime I thought of connecting my database with the help psql after I will connect I will use pg_dump but didn’t work then I thought of trying with pgadmin3. with it I was able to download a empty dump file as aws has some rds-admin because of which we cannot take dump after we connecting to database as a specific role.

Then i thought of a hack that 😜

pg_dumpdatabase_ name > dumpfile.sql

will give me the download dump of particular db. Why not without entring inside the db take the dump and the it won’t show the permission denied. then i got the following command to download dump of remote db

pg_dump -h <hostname>evo10 > dumpfile.sql

But the above didn’t work for me as by default it was taking rdsadmin as user name so with some i combined the psql login command with pg_dump command.

pg_dump -h <xxxxxxx-hostname> -U user-name -d dbname > dump.sql

Hope this helps to you all 😃 😄 😉.

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