I am a polyglot Fullstack Developer with 14+ years of experience, a strong problem solver, with focus on back-end development with Ruby (Ruby on Rails), C# (ASP.NET MVC/API/Core), but also with a solid experience on front-end development with HTML5, CSS3 (SASS), JavaScript, jQuery, React and Vue.js.
I love to experiment new tools and/or techs such as Elixir, Phoenix framework... I love teaching, share my experiences and knowledge. Former programming classes instructor, where I teach languages and techs like .NET C# + SQL Server, Ruby on Rails, PHP + MySQL .
I am the founder of AngoDev (Angolan Developers Community - https://www.angodev.com), and the co-creator and organizer of meet.us() - https://www.meetus.events (an event for developers/programmers).