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Statistical Analysis of React and Vue: An Overview

Published Mar 09, 2020
Statistical Analysis of React and Vue: An Overview

When I began searching for frontend frameworks, I came across several articles titled “React vs Vue” or “Vue vs React.” I initially thought, “where can I get a brief statistical analysis between these two Javascript frameworks?” So, I decided to curate a blog where you can get the complete analysis based on stats.

Here’s what you’re going to learn in this article:

  • Overview: React vs Vue
  • Status & History
  • Github Repositories
  • NPM Downloads
  • Hacker News Trends
  • Conclusion

Let’s get started!

1. Overview

React: It is also known as React.js or ReactJS is an open-source Javascript library which is used for building user interfaces specifically for single-page applications and reusable UI components. React is used for handling the view layer for web and mobile apps. It is maintained by Facebook and the community of individual developers and companies.

Vue: It is created and maintained by the community. Vue.js is a flexible technology that can be employed to build modern and agile apps without using a lot of resources. Its main focus is the view layer that makes the framework easy to integrate into existing projects. It’s also an excellent choice for building a sophisticated single-page application (SPA).

2. Status & History

Here’s a summary of React vs Vue, in terms of status and history:

An Overview of Statistical Analysis of React and Vue - table.png

3. GitHub repositories

Here you can check the React and Vue’s GitHub repositories over time.


facebook react  A declarative  efficient  and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces .png


vuejs vue  🖖 Vue js is a progressive  incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web .png

It is clear that React is the most downloaded framework, and Vue is the most loved one.

4. NPM Downloads

The number of downloads is what each framework is getting. It is most probably the most reliable indicator of usage. Let’s have a look at the npm downloads of React vs Vue for the past two years.

react vs vue   npm trends.png

Hacker News is a very popular platform, where the articles posted are fairly diverse in the subject matter. This platform allows you to check the true popularity of any technology. Using a chart from HN Trends you can see that both React and Vue have been growing a lot in popularity over the last few years.

React vs Vue trends.png

In the above data, the Y-axis represents the percentage of all posts, which are on that topic. So it’s safe to say that React is much more popular in absolute terms than Vue.


In the end, all I need to say is that React vs Vue is all a matter of personal preference. Being a project manager or business owner outsourcing developers, it would be a good idea to talk to your web development team and together pick the framework that suits your requirements, whether it be React or Angular.
To know more about React vs Vue, I’ve articulated a list of comparisons between them in this infographic.


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post comments3Replies
Kate Ginn
a year ago

Comparing React and Vue involves assessing their strengths for efficient web development. React, backed by Facebook, emphasizes flexibility and a robust ecosystem. In contrast, Vue, known for simplicity, suits smaller projects seamlessly. The choice depends on project requirements, scalability, and the proficiency of your no-code app development team. Both frameworks excel, catering to diverse development needs.

2 years ago

This statistical analysis of React and Vue provides valuable insights for anyone navigating the world of frontend frameworks. While the data presented here offers a comprehensive overview of these technologies, it’s essential to remember that the choice between React and Vue often boils down to personal preferences and project requirements.

For those who are looking to leverage these frameworks but may not have an extensive background in coding, considering the services of a // nocode agency could be a game-changer. These agencies specialize in simplifying the app development process, making it accessible to individuals with varying technical skill levels.

Alan A
2 years ago

Intriguing analysis! As someone in app development in New York, understanding the statistical breakdown between React and Vue is crucial. This article provides a comprehensive overview that can guide many developers in their tech stack decisions. Kudos for the detailed comparison!