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Monitoring Oracle SOA Suite 12c?

Published Apr 17, 2019
Monitoring Oracle SOA Suite 12c?

There are 3 areas of monitoring that an Oracle SOA Suite 12c administrator
Mainly focuses on. They are as follows:
• Transactions
• Instance state and performance
• Infrastructure
This above Information covers these 3 areas in detail, providing an All-inclusive handle on
All aspects of environmental monitoring in general. The ultimate goal as an administrator
Is to ensure that the Environment executes transactions reliably and efficiently.
Transactional monitoring involves the following:
Reviewing Cretisize instances to take action (retry, replay, or ignore), Searching log files for additional log information on faulted instances, Inspect through composite sensors if the end user complains of a Particular business transaction not going through (if composite sensors Are implemented in the code). Enabling selective tracing, which allows you to change the trace level for a Defined scope. Examples of scope are a particular logged-in user, deployed Application, or BPEL composite.
Monitoring instance state and performance Include the following: Reviewing the Performance Summary and Request Processing pages on the Console to graphically display specific Fundamentals on selected composites Running SQL queries to retrieve summary and detailed performance Information on composite instances Infrastructure monitoring involves the following: Read More Information on Oracle Course

Reviewing file system log files for system and application errors. Monitoring the Oracle Web Logic Server managed servers for the Overall health, monitoring the JVM for appropriate sizing and garbage collection frequency, Monitoring Java Message Service (JMS) destinations, such as queues and Topics to ensure that messages are being processed, Monitoring data sources to pre-emptively identify any issues, Monitoring threads, Monitoring operating to system-level parameters.
Once you understand all areas of monitoring, it might make sense to invest in a tool that helps with the automation of the monitoring activities, an area we do not discuss In this book as there are many options available on the market. Oracle's Permanent Monitoring solution for Oracle SOA Online Training Suite 12c is Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control with the SOA Management Pack.
SOA transaction monitoring
When monitoring instances, the goal is to achieve two purposes: to identify transactions that have not been completed successfully to determine further action and ensure that the transactions do not experience poor performance. When a message is received by the SOA Infrastructure, it may pass through multiple components within your infrastructure and may even traverse multiple external systems as well

Monitoring composite instances
To Sea SOA Complex instances, you should first understand a Some Of few key concepts, which are as follows: Every instance displayed on Fusion Middleware Control is a composite instance. Any composite instance is designated a unique composite instance ID. Each and Every composite may consist of one or Maximum components (for example, BPEL, BPMN, human workflow, Mediator, and so on). You must navigate to the composite instance and drill down to the component to view its details. Every component has its own component instance ID. Get More Points on Oracle SOA Certification
Faulted instances
One of the most common activities that an administrator participate is retrieving a list of faulty or rejected SOA composite instances and getting the necessary information to troubleshoot them. In SOA Suite 12c, this has been simplified. To Retrieve the New fault screen, click on SOA-infra and then click on the Error Hospital tab. This screen Forms a unified method to review and recover the faulted instances. Faults can be searched for based upon instance start times and fault times. Additionally, they can be grouped by Composite, Partition, and Fault Code to name a few. This can be helpful for getting a quick glance at issues that occur in the infrastructure and sometimes provides the ability to act on them, unfortunately, the fault shown on the console may not contain enough information to effectively handle the error and a review of the log files may be necessary. Later in this chapter, we discuss how to identify and view log file information as well as how to increase the logger levels to provide more details.Oracle Certification

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Omar Kishta
2 years ago

I started learning programming three months ago, I have achieved a lot in this area. Not long ago I assembled a small but necessary program for making money, the fact is that some functions cannot cope with the flow of information. From your article, I realized that I can transfer my program to this cloud monitoring and they will not only monitor visitors, but also control the quality of my program. I am glad that I read your article, now I have an understanding of what to do next.