Test FCM Notification with POSTMAN like PRO!
Hello Notification Lovers,
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Recently, I am developing one application which has functionality of Push Notification, I used to with Firebase Cloud Messaging, Hope you also use this awesome feature of Firebase.
I face one problem during development of this functionality and scenario is like: Whenever any user from insert or update data in website then I have to show notification in Android App, but still that module is in under development from web. So QUESTION is HOW I can Test this Notification functionality like PRO!.
There are two types of message in that one way to send Generic Notification using Notification Composer :
Testing FCM — Generic Notification
As per documentation,> Notification Message - FCM automatically displays the message to end-user devices on behalf of the client app. Notification messages have a predefined set of user-visible keys and an optional data payload of custom key-value pairs.> Data Message - Client app is responsible for processing data messages. Data messages have only custom key-value pairs.
Send Data Message using HTTP protocol with POSTMAN
You have to copy Legecy Server Key from Firebase Console > Project Settings > Cloud Messaging
Note: Firebase has upgraded our server keys to a new version. You may continue to use your Legacy server key, but it is recommended that you upgrade to the newest version .
- Select
. Enter request URL as https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send - Add Headers
Authorization: key=<legacy_server_key>
ORAuthorization: key=<server_key>
andContent-Type: application/json
Setting-up with POSTMAN
- Now Select Body > raw > JSON (application/json) and add following code:
{ "to" : "YOUR_FCM_TOKEN_WILL_BE_HERE", "collapse_key" : "type_a", "notification" : { "body" : "First Notification", "title": "Collapsing A" }, "data" : { "body" : "First Notification", "title": "Collapsing A", "key_1" : "Data for key one", "key_2" : "Hellowww" }}
- You can push a Generic notification (with
payload) or a Custom notifications (withnotification
payload) and hit Send.
{ "to" : "YOUR_FCM_TOKEN_WILL_BE_HERE", "collapse_key" : "type_a", "data" : { "body" : "First Notification", "title": "Collapsing A", "key_1" : "Data for key one", "key_2" : "Hellowww" }}
- Note that Custom notification will only trigger if there is only
) node in the payload. Hence, you’d need to move thebody
Keep in Mind : Use registration_ids
instead of to
node if you want to send notification to multiple devices with corresponding firebase_instance_id
Run in Postman directly.
I have created POSTMAN Collection for you,That’s it.
You can visit my previous post : POSTMAN — Lets Fly with API’s
You can Download Source Code for Firebase-Notification Demo
If you loved it.
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