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Develop an E-Commerce Website With Laravel 5.4 - Part 9

Published Sep 20, 2017Last updated Mar 19, 2018
Develop an E-Commerce Website With Laravel 5.4 - Part 9

All posts in this series:

In this post we are going to last stage that is checkout process. The Cart Items will be added in orders and order_items table and use Stripe for Payment Processing.

After creating migrations for Orderand OrderItem models I am going to install Stripe package

Installation of Stripe

composer require stripe/stripe-php on Console and it will install Stripe PHP SDK.

I am going to add the checkout form below the cart html cart/show.blade.php

In OrderController I created a method checkout that is responsible for both payment and adding order data into the tables. The function looks like:

public function checkout( Request $request ) {

    $session_id   = session()->get( '_token' );
    $order_number = substr( str_shuffle( "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" ), 0,
        4 ) . '-' . substr( str_shuffle( "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" ), 0,
        4 ) . '-' . substr( str_shuffle( "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" ), 0, 4 );
    $order_number = strtoupper( $order_number );

    $entries = Cart::where( [ 'session_id' => $session_id ] )->get();
    Stripe::setApiKey( config( 'services.stripe.secret' ) );
    $total = 0;
    foreach ( $entries as $entry ) {
      $total += floatval( $entry['price'] );
    $gross_amount = intval( $total * 100 ); // to convert into cents;
    $charge       = Charge::create( [
      "amount"      => $gross_amount,
      "currency"    => "usd",
      'source'      => $request->get( 'stripeToken' ),
      "description" => 'For Order No:-' . $order_number
    ] );

    //Successful Transaction Id
    $charge_id = $charge->id;
    //Proceed Db handlings
    if ( $charge_id != null ) {

      try {
        $order = Order::create( [
          'order_identity'        => $order_number,
          'session_id'            => $session_id,
          'stripe_transaction_id' => $charge_id,
          'gross_price'           => $gross_amount,
          'status'                => 1
        ] );

        foreach ( $entries as $entry ) {
          OrderItem::create( [
            'order_identity' => $order_number,
            'order_id'       => $order->id,
            'product_id'     => $entry->product_id,
            'quantity'       => $entry->qty,
            'price'          => $entry->price,
          ] );
        //Reset Cart after order submission
        //Cart::where( 'user_id', $loggedInUserId )->delete();

      } catch ( Exception  $ex ) {
        print_r( $ex->getMessage() );

      return redirect( '/' );

I am create a unique order_number. Using Stripe you must have Key and Secret. Once you are registered you can go to Stripe Dashboard and can have your keys. I set those keys in .env file and then call them(Visit Stripe Dashboard for further details)

Calling Stripe::Charge() method to make a charge. In case of successful transaction I am storing chargeId into the table for future reference and then redirecting it. I am also using Transaction to make sure both orders and order_items have correct data stored.

That's it from Laravel 5.4 series. The code has been pushed to Github

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post comments2Replies
ufu media
7 years ago

because i ma using COD method for payment,

ufu media
7 years ago

AOA sir , i am dont want to use Stripe. then how i can skip.