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Develop an E-Commerce Website With Laravel 5.4 - Part 8

Published Sep 17, 2017
Develop an E-Commerce Website With Laravel 5.4 - Part 8

All posts in this series:

We are on stage of adding items into the cart, for that we need to create a Controller, Model and a View page along with routes. I will not go thru the same commands again and again. Instead of it I am going to discuss how the cart logic was done.

I created the migration file which have the following schema:

public function up() {
    Schema::create( 'carts', function ( Blueprint $table ) {
      $table->increments( 'id' );
      $table->string( 'product_name', 200 );
      $table->string( 'session_id' )->default( '0' );
      $table->integer( 'product_id' )->default( 0 );
      $table->float( 'price' )->default( 0 );
      $table->integer( 'qty' )->default( 0 );
    } );

I am trying to keep simple. Cart items are being stored in db and in order to have a unique cart per session I am using _token session variable offered by Laravel.

I also added three new routes:

Route::get( 'cart/add/{product_id}', 'CartController@add' )->name('cart.add');
Route::get( 'cart/', 'CartController@index' );
Route::get( 'cart/show', 'CartController@show' )->name('');

So now in add method of the CartController looks like this:

public function add( $product_id ) {
    // For Identification Purpose
    $session_id = session()->get( '_token' );
    // Get Product Detils by ID

    $product = Product::where( 'id', $product_id )->first();
    if ( $product == null ) {
      return abort( 404 );

    if ( Cart::where( 'session_id', '=', $session_id )->exists() ) {

      //CHeck whether product exist if yes increase quantity
      $entry = Cart::where( [ 'session_id' => $session_id, 'product_id' => $product_id ] )->increment( 'qty', 1 );
      if ( ! $entry ) {
        Cart::create( [
          'session_id'   => $session_id,
          'product_id'   => $product_id,
          'product_name' => $product['title'],
          'price'        => $product['discount_price'],
          'qty'          => 1
        ] );
    } else {
      Cart::create( [
        'session_id'   => $session_id,
        'product_id'   => $product_id,
        'product_name' => $product['title'],
        'price'        => $product['discount_price'],
        'qty'          => 1
      ] );

    // First check whether the cart exist
    return redirect()->route( '' );

I am passing product_id in route and thus being checked for adding/updating cart items.

That's it my friend. The new post will be the last post in the series in which we will create order out of Cart Items and make payment via Stripe. Stay tuned!

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ufu media
7 years ago

AOA sir i face the error at (if ( Cart::where( ‘session_id’, ‘=’, $session_id )->exists() )
session is not found . i register my self and get id ($session_id =Auth::id(); (that get regiser id =1). please help me and also explain. thanks in advance