My name is Peter and I am programming since the time when everyone had used animated gifs on his website extensively. Yes, I am that old!
Most of my professional career I have spent programming individual web-projects with PHP, JavaScript, MySQL, CSS and HTML.
I started coding with QBASIC when I was 14 and then I had a bit of C programming in school. After school I started to do application development with Visual Basic 6. It was the time when the Internet start to take really off in my country and I did more and more web application development with ASP.
After a while I looked into PHP and Linux as server platform and I never turned back.
Around 2015 I was more and more interested in the security side of things and I started to look deeply into ethical hacking. That was also the time when I start to use Python extensively.
Throw-out the last years I have written over a dozen of books about programming, hacking, IT forensics and other topics. I have taught some programming-classes in the last years and I give security awareness trainings on a regular basis.
Since 2023 I am a certified professional expert for IT security and web-development.
IT is my passion and I love to share that passion and my knowledge with others…