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Basics of Django ORM

Published Oct 15, 2017Last updated Aug 04, 2019

The article was originally published at Django ORM Basics -

This articles provides all the basics you need to know to get started with Django ORM. Django ORM provides an elegant and powerful way to interact with the database. ORM stands for Object Relational Mapper. It is just a fancy word describing how to access the data stored in the database in Object Oriented fashion.

Start Django shell using the shell command.

(env) C:\Users\Q\TGDB\django_project>python shell
Python 3.4.4 (v3.4.4:737efcadf5a6, Dec 20 2015, 20:20:57) [MSC v.1600 64 bit (AM
D64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

To work with database inside the shell, first we have to import necessary models. In this section we will be working on models stored in the blog app, so lets start by importing all the models in the blog app.

>>> from blog.models import Post, Author, Category, Tag

At this point tables corresponding to these 4 models are empty.

Let's start by creating an Author object.

>>> a = Author(name='tom', email='', active=True)

Try printing variable a you will get the following output:

>>> a
<Author: Author object>
>>> print(a)
Author object

You can access the attributes of an object using the (.) dot operator.


Notice that at the time of object creating the Author object we didn't provide any value to created_on and last_logged_in field because these fields have auto_now_add and auto_now set to True respectively. As a result, Django will automatically provides the current date and time at the time when you save the object to the database. However, If we hadn't set auto_now_add and auto_now parameters then we would have to pass values to created_on and last_logged_in field as follows:

>>> import datetime
>>> r = Author(name="root", email="", active=True, created_on=datet,

At this point object pointed to by variable a exits only inside the Django shell. To save the object to the database call the save() method on the object.


Recall that every model we define inherits from models.Model class, this is where the save() method comes from.

To view this newly added object open blog_author table inside Navicat Premium.


Similary, models.Model class also defines a delete() method to delete an object from the database.

Let's delete the object from the database.

>>> a.delete()
(1, {'blog.Author': 1})

This command removes author tom from the database. However, it is still exists inside the shell.

>>> a
<Author: Author object>

Sure, the object exists in shell.

Defining __str__() method on model

At this point if you try to print Author or any other Model object inside the shell it would output a string that looks something like this:

>>> a
<Author: Author object>
>>> print(a)
Author object

This Author object is not very helpful. Right ? Is there anyway to change it ?

Recall that in the chapter Basics of models in Django we have learned that - A Model defines essential and behaviors of the data you are storing. We have learned how to define fields. What about behaviors ? Well behaviors means many things as we will see later. In this case we want to change the behavior of Author class - the way it prints an object. We can change this behavior easily by adding a __str__() method in the Author model.

A __str__() is a special method which tells Python how to display an object in human readable form. Open inside blog app and make the following changes to the Author model.

class Author(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
    email = models.EmailField(unique=True)
    active = models.BooleanField(default=False)
    created_on = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
    last_logged_in = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)

    def __str__(self):
        return + " : " +

While we are at it lets add __str__() method to Category, Tag and Post model too.

class Category(models.Model):

    def __str__(self):

class Tag(models.Model):

    def __str__(self):

class Post(models.Model):    

    def __str__(self):
        return self.title

Does this ring a bell ? You might say "We are changing our models so we should run makemigrations right ?".

Well No! Most of the time, we run makemigrations command only in the following two cases:

  1. When we add/modify fields in the model.
  2. When we adding/modify Meta classes.

We will learn what Meta classes are in upcoming chapters.

In fact, adding/modifying methods to our models are not even considered as changes. You can test this using the makemigrations command.

(env) C:\Users\Q\TGDB\django_project>python makemigrations
No changes detected

(env) C:\Users\Q\TGDB\django_project>

See makemigrations returns "No changes detected".

After adding __str__() to file, if you try to print Author object you would get the same output as before.

>>> a
<Author: Author object>
>>> print(a)
Author object

In order for the changes to take affect, exit the Django shell by hitting Ctrl+Z (Windows) or Ctrl+D (Linux) and start it again using python shell command.

Import necessary models and create a new Author object.

(env) C:\Users\Q\my_workspace\django_project>python shell
Python 3.4.4 (v3.4.4:737efcadf5a6, Dec 20 2015, 20:20:57) [MSC v.1600 64 bit (AM
D64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from blog.models import Post, Author, Category, Tag
>>> a = Author(name='tom', email='')

Now lets try printing the object inside the Django shell.

>>> a
<Author: tom :>
>>> print(a)
tom :


This is much better. isn't ?

Save this object to the database using the save() method.


When you save an object the primary key is assigned automatically. Once object is saved in the database. You can refer to the primary key using id or pk attribute.


If you want to alter the value of attributes of an object just assign a new value and call the save()method again.

>>> = 'Tom'
>>> = ''
>>> a
<Author: Tom :>

These changes are not yet saved to the database, you have to call save() to make the changes permanent.


Database Access through Managers

According to the Django documentation - Django by default adds a manager called objects to every model class defined inside file. This particular manager ( i.e objects) helps us to interact with the database in complicated ways. The objects manager is the most common way Django developers interact with the database.

To access objects manager type model class name followed by the (.) dot operator then the objects manager. For example:

>>> Author.objects
<django.db.models.manager.Manager object at 0x00000000042CE978>
>>> type(Author.objects)
<class 'django.db.models.manager.Manager'>

As you can see objects is just a instance of django.db.models.manager.Manager class. The objects manager provides a whole range of methods which allows us to interact with the database easily.

Let's discuss some important methods of objects manager.

The create() method

The create() method allows us to create and commit object to the database in one go, instead of separately calling the save() method. For example:

>>> a2 = Author.objects.create(name='jerry', email='')
>>> a2
<Author: jerry :>

The bulk_create() method

The bulk_create() method allows us to create and commit multiple objects in one step. It accepts a list of objects. For example:

>>> Author.objects.bulk_create([
...  Author(name='spike', email=''),
...  Author(name='tyke', email=''),
...  Author(name='droopy', email=''),
... ])
[<Author: spike :>, <Author: tyke :>, <Author: droo
py :>]

At this point blog_author table should looks like this:


The all() method

The all() method fetches all the records from the table. For example:

>>> Author.objects.all()
<QuerySet [<Author: tom :>, <Author: jerry :>, <Aut
hor: spike :>, <Author: tyke :>, <Author: droopy :>]>

The above command fetches all the records from the Author's table.

The all() method returns a QuerySet object. A QuerySet object looks a lot like a list, but it is not an actual list, in some ways it behaves just like lists. For example, you can access individual members in a QuerySet objects using an index number.

>>> r = Author.objects.all()
>>> r
<QuerySet [<Author: tom :>, <Author: jerry :>, <Aut
hor: spike :>, <Author: tyke :>, <Author: droopy :>]>

>>> r[0]
<Author: tom :>
>>> r[1]
<Author: jerry :>
>>> r[2]
<Author: spike :>

Although r points to an object of type QuerySet but r[0], r[1], r[2] and so on, points to an object of type Author.

>>> type(r[0])
<class 'blog.models.Author'>
>>> type(r[1])
<class 'blog.models.Author'>
>>> type(r[3])
<class 'blog.models.Author'>

It is important to note that some methods of objects manager returns QuerySet while some do not.

QuerySet is iterable just like a list. You can use a for loop to iterate through all of the objects in a QuerySet object.

>>> r = Author.objects.all()
>>> for a in r:
...    print("Author: {0}".format(
Author: tom
Author: jerry
Author: spike
Author: tyke
Author: droopy

The count() method

The count() method returns the total number of records in a database table.

>>> Author.objects.count()

Author.objects.all().count() also returns the same thing.

Filtering records using the filter() method

Most of the time you would only want to work with a subset of data. Django provides a filter() method which returns a subset of data. It accepts field names as keyword arguments and returns a QuerySet object.

>>> Author.objects.filter(name='tom')
<QuerySet [<Author: tom :>]>
>>> Author.objects.filter(name='johnny')
<QuerySet []>

Author.objects.filter(name='tom') translates to SQL something like this:

SELECT * from blog_author
where name = 'tom'

As database has only one record where name is 'tom', the QuerySet object contains only a single record. If we had two records where name is 'tom' then filter() would have returned a QuerySet object containing two Author objects.

Similarly, Author.objects.filter(name='johnny') translates to SQL rougly as follows:

SELECT * from blog_author
where name = 'johnny'

As there are no records where name is 'johnny' an empty QuerySet is returned.

We can also directly print the raw SQL django uses to query the database using the query attribute of the QuerySet object.

>>> print(Author.objects.filter(name='tom').query)
SELECT "blog_author"."id", "blog_author"."name", "blog_author"."email", "blog_au
thor"."active", "blog_author"."created_on", "blog_author"."last_logged_in" FROM
"blog_author" WHERE "blog_author"."name" = tom

Matching performed using keyword arguments are case-sensitive.

>>> Author.objects.filter(email='')
<QuerySet [<Author: jerry :>]>
>>> Author.objects.filter(email='')
<QuerySet []>

The last query returns an empty QuerySet because there are no records where email is "", although there is a record where name is "".

You can also pass multiple keyword arguments to the filter() method.

>>> Author.objects.filter(name='spike', email='')
<QuerySet [<Author: spike :>]>

This traslates to SQL rougly as follows:

SELECT * from blog_author
where name = 'spike' and email =''

Django Field Lookups

In addition to passing field names as keyword arguments. You can also use something called lookups.
Managers and QuerySet objects comes with a feature called lookups. A lookup is composed of a model field followed by two underscores (__) which is then followed by lookup name. Let's take some examples.

__contains lookup

>>> Author.objects.filter(name__contains="ke")
<QuerySet [<Author: spike :>, <Author: tyke :>]>

Here __contains lookup finds all the records where name field contains the word "ke".

Author.objects.filter(name__contains="ke") translates to SQL roughly as follows:

SELECT * from blog_author
where name like '%ke%'

Matching performed by __contains lookup is case-sensitive. If you want to perform case-insensitive match use __icontains. However, SQLite doesn't support case-sensitive LIKE statements. As a result __contains and __icontains returns the same result.

__startswith lookup

>>> Author.objects.filter(name__startswith="t")
<QuerySet [<Author: tom :>, <Author: tyke :>]>

__startswith lookup finds all the records whose name field start with "t". There also exists a complementary lookup called __endswith.

>>> Author.objects.filter(email__endswith="com")
<QuerySet [<Author: tom :>, <Author: jerry :>, <Aut
hor: spike :>, <Author: tyke :>, <Author: droopy :>]>

Here __endswith lookup finds all the records whose email ends with "com". Both __startswith and __endswith are case-sensitive. Their case-insensitive equivalents are __istartswith and __iendswith.

__gt lookup

>>> Author.objects.filter(id__gt=3)
<QuerySet [<Author: spike :>, <Author: tyke :>, <Au
thor: droopy :>]>

here __gt lookup finds all the records whose id or primary key (pk) is greater than 3. There also exists a complementary lookup called __lt.

>>> Author.objects.filter(id__lt=3)
<QuerySet [<Author: tom :>]>

Here __lt lookups finds all the records whose primary key is less than 3. There are two more similar lookups called __gte and __lte which finds records which are greater than or equal to and less than or equal to respectively.

To view full list of field lookups check out the Django documentation on lookups.

Retrieving a single record using the get() method

The filter() method described in the above section returns a QuerySet, sometimes we just want to fetch a single record from the table. To handle these situations objects manager provides a get()method. The get() method accepts same parameters as filter() method but it returns only a single object. If it finds multiple objects it raises a MultipleObjectsReturned exception. If it doesn't find any object it raises DoesNotExist exception.

>>> Author.objects.get(name="tom")
<Author: tom :>
>>> Author.objects.filter(name="tom")
<QuerySet [<Author: tom :>]>

Notice the difference between the output of get() and filter() method. For the same parameter they both two different results. The get() method returns a instance of Author while filter() methods returns a QuerySet object.

Lets see what happens, if get() method encounters multiple records.

>>> Author.objects.filter(name__contains="ke")
<QuerySet [<Author: spike :>, <Author: tyke :>]>
>>> Author.objects.get(name__contains="ke")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\K\TGDB\env\lib\site-packages\django\db\models\", line
 85, in manager_method
    return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\K\TGDB\env\lib\site-packages\django\db\models\", line 3
89, in get
    (self.model._meta.object_name, num)
blog.models.MultipleObjectsReturned: get() returned more than one Author -- it r
eturned 2!

Here get() method raises a MultipleObjectsReturned because there are multiple objects in the database that matches the given parameter.

Similarly, if you try to access an object which do not exists then the get() method will raise an
DoesNotExist exception.

>>> Author.objects.get(name__contains="captain planet")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\K\TGDB\env\lib\site-packages\django\db\models\", line
 85, in manager_method
    return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\K\TGDB\env\lib\site-packages\django\db\models\", line 3
85, in get
blog.models.DoesNotExist: Author matching query does not exist.

Ordering Results

To order result we use order_by() method, just like filter() it also returns a QuerySet object. It accepts field names that you want to sort by as positional arguments.

>>> Author.objects.order_by("id")
<QuerySet [<Author: droopy :>, <Author: tyke :>, <
Author: spike :>, <Author: jerry :>, <Author: tom

This command retrieves all Author objects according to id field in ascending order. The above command translates to SQL roughly as follows:

SELECT * from blog_author
order by id

It turns out that we can chain methods which returns QuerySet objects. Doing so allows us to modify the database query further.

>>> Author.objects.filter(id__gt=3).order_by("name")
<QuerySet [<Author: droopy :>, <Author: spike :>,
 <Author: tyke :>]>

This command retrieves only those Author objects whose id is greater than 3 and orders those objects according to values in the name field in ascending order. The above command translates to SQL roughly as follows:

SELECT * from blog_author
where id > 3
order by name

To reverse the sorting ordering add - sign before the field name like this:

>>> Author.objects.filter(id__gt=3).order_by("-name")
<QuerySet [<Author: tyke :>, <Author: spike :>, <Au
thor: droopy :>]>

The above command traslates to the SQL as follows:

SELECT * from blog_author
where id > 3
order by name DESC

You can also sort the result by multiple field like this.

>>> Author.objects.filter(id__gt=3).order_by("name", "-email")
<QuerySet [<Author: droopy :>, <Author: spike :>,
 <Author: tyke :>]>

This command will sort the result first by name in ascending and then by email in descending order

Selecting the fields

When you run a query to database like this:

>>> Author.objects.filter(name__contains='foo').order_by("name")

It returns data from all the fields (columns). What if we want data only from one or two fields ? The objects manager provides a values_list() method specially for this job. The values_list() accepts optional one or more field names from which we want the data and returns a QuerySet. For example:

>>> Author.objects.values_list("id", "name")
<QuerySet [(1, 'tom'), (2, 'jerry'), (3, 'spike'), (4, 'tyke'), (5, 'droopy')]>

Notice that the values_list() method returns a QuerySet where each element is a tuple. And the tuple only contains data from the fields which we have specified in the values_list().

>>> Author.objects.filter(id__gt=3).values_list("id", "name")
<QuerySet [(4, 'spike'), (5, 'tyke'), (6, 'droopy')]>

>>> r = Author.objects.filter(id__gt=3).values_list("id", "name")
>>> r
<QuerySet [(4, 'spike'), (5, 'tyke'), (6, 'droopy')]>
>>> r[0]
(4, 'spike')
>>> r[0][0]
>>> r[0][1]

The objects manager also provides an identical method called values() which works exactly like
values_list() but it returns a QuerySet where each element is a dictionary instead of tuple.

>>> r = Author.objects.filter(id__gt=3).values("id", "name")
>>> r
<QuerySet [{'name': 'spike', 'id': 4}, {'name': 'tyke', 'id': 5}, {'name': 'droo
py', 'id': 6}]>
>>> type(r[0])
<class 'dict'>
>>> r[0]
{'name': 'spike', 'id': 4}
>>> r[0]['name']
>>> r[0]['id']

Slicing Results

You can use Python list slicing syntax i.e [start:end] to limit your QuerySet object to certain number of results.

Example 1:

>>> # returns the second record after sorting the result
>>> Author.objects.order_by("-id")[1]  
<Author: tyke :>

This command roughly translates to SQL as follows:

SELECT * from blog_author
order by -id
limit 1, 1

Example 2:

>>> # returns the first three objects after sorting the result
>>> Author.objects.order_by("-id")[:3]
<QuerySet [<Author: droopy :>, <Author: tyke :>, <
Author: spike :>]>

This command roughly translates to SQL as follows:

SELECT * from blog_author
order by -id
limit 0, 3

Example 3:

>>> # returns objects from 3rd index to 5th index after sorting the result
>>> Author.objects.order_by("-id")[2:5]
<QuerySet [<Author: spike :>, <Author: jerry :>, <
Author: tom :>]>

This command roughly translates to SQL as follows:

SELECT * from blog_author
order by -id
limit 2, 3

Negative slicing is not supported.

>>> Author.objects.order_by("-id")[-1]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\K\TGDB\env\lib\site-packages\django\db\models\", line 2
75, in __getitem__
    "Negative indexing is not supported."
AssertionError: Negative indexing is not supported.

Updating Multiple Objects

Recall that one way to update an object to call save() method after updating it's attributes. For example:

>>> a = Author.objects.get(pk=2)
>>> a
<Author: tom :>
>>> = 'tommy'
>>> = ''
>>> a = Author.objects.get(pk=2)
>>> a
<Author: tommy :>

The objects manager provides a method called update() to update one or multiple records in one step. Just like filter() method it accepts one or more keyword arguments. If update is successful it returns number of rows updated.

>>> Author.objects.filter(pk=2).update(email='')

This command will update the email of author whose pk is 2 to

This statement is equivalent to:

UPDATE blog_author SET
WHERE id = 2;

Updating all objects

>>> Author.objects.all().update(active=True)

The above command updates the value of active field to True for all the records in the Author's table. The above command is equivalent to the following command:


The SQL equivalent of the above command is:

UPDATE blog_author SET

Deleting records

The delete() method is used to delete one or more objects. For example:

Deleting a single object.

>>> a = Author.objects.get(pk=2)
>>> a
<Author: tom :>
>>> a.delete()
(1, {'blog.Author': 1})

Deleting multiple records.

>>> r = Author.objects.all().delete()
>>> r
(4, {'blog.Author': 4})

You should now have a solid understanding of Django ORM. In the next lesson, we will discuss how to access data from multiple table using Django ORM.

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post comments4Replies
Edward Kaharo
6 years ago

Very well explained thanks

6 years ago

Thanks for the great effort, it’s a very clear article!!

7 years ago

Is it possible to create our own managers in django.

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