Nikita Tchayka

Nikita Tchayka

(1 reviews)
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Clean code, SOLID, TDD, Functional programming
Clean code, SOLID, TDD, Functional programming

Data scientist at @agilemonkeys. I move myself along the Software Craftsmanship movement.
Functional programming evangelist, data science lover and yerba mate addict.

Russian, Spanish, English
London (+00:00)
Joined August 2016
1 year experience
I use this as my learning tool for Data Analysis, also built some simple web apps with it.
I use this as my learning tool for Data Analysis, also built some simple web apps with it.
3 years experience
Used Java for all the subjects in the CS degree
Used Java for all the subjects in the CS degree
2 years experience
My 2nd favorite language, wrote two games in it, did machine learning, web apps, frontend dev, a lot of things...
My 2nd favorite language, wrote two games in it, did machine learning, web apps, frontend dev, a lot of things...
2 years experience
My favorite language right now, did a web server, a real time app using sockets, and now Data Analysis
My favorite language right now, did a web server, a real time app using sockets, and now Data Analysis
1 year experience
Use this from time to time to do simple emacs scripts
Use this from time to time to do simple emacs scripts
0 year experience
I started using this language on August 1st, 2016.
I started using this language on August 1st, 2016.
0 year experience
Did some tests and a desktop app using Electron + Elm, also we use this for small UIs in my company
Did some tests and a desktop app using Electron + Elm, also we use this for small UIs in my company


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