Hey! I'm Nick. At my core, I'm a problem solver. I have a knack for quickly understanding problems on a fundamental level, and then develop solutions specifically tailored to the problem at hand. My main focus is on data science solutions for biomedical applications, such as stem cell technologies and the brain. However, I also do a significant amount of work in compute vision (I recently wrote an optimized, minimal code to detect lines on a tennis ball for an ARM processor with limited memory).
My educational background is a Ph.D. in biomedical engineering, where I made materials for nerve regeneration. Since then I've built high throughput imaging systems for human grown tissues in a dish, and patented AI to predict tissue function. My current day job is as a senior data scientist, where all of my work is open source (feel free to take a look at my github, specifically polus-plugins).
When it comes to be working with me, I tend to be honest to a fault. If I'm not the right guy for the job, I'll let you know right away. If you have a project idea, send me a message.