Codementor Events

Show controller state with knStateView

Published Mar 06, 2019Last updated Sep 01, 2019

Have you ever add empty state to your app? How do you show loading or error state when call API?

There are some libs somewhere in Github, you can search yourself to find the best one for you.

Today, I show you my approach, knStateView. You can download my demo at knStateView

General idea

  • Make view with iconImageView, titleLabel, and subtitleLabel.
  • Change content by state
  • Set custom content by override the state in contentLibrary
  • Set custom state view by override the state in customViewsLibrary.

Support states

enum knState: String {
    case success
    case noInternet, error, empty, loading


You can check the content of knStateView in the project. I will explain some major things here


customViewsLibrary is a dictionary [knState: UIView] to contain custom UIs for every states.

If you want to customize the error state by your own UI, set it here

stateView.setCustomView(your_own_UI, for: .error)

Default error state
Default error state

Custom error state
Custom error state


contentLibrary is a dictionary knState.noInternet: (String, String, String) to get icon, title, subtitle for every state. You can override state you want.


private func setState(_ value: knState) {

// (1)
    if let view = customViewsLibrary[value] {
        currentView = view
        addSubviews(views: view) self)

// (2)
    if let data = contentLibrary[value] {

// (3)
    if value == .success {


If custom view for new state exists, we bring that view to the UI.


contentLibrary contains our default content for 4 states. We get data from contentLibrary to display to default UI.

If you already override a state in contentLibrary, it gets your new content to show.

If the icon is a URL, we download the icon automatically.


If your app is in success state, simply remove current state view.

How to show knStateView

There are 2 ways to show it

  • Add manually to your root view and set auto layout for it.
  • Add to a certain view, and knStateView fill the whole space of your view.


  • Your custom view must have size (or intrinsic content size).
  • You can remove iconImageView or titleLabel or subtitleLabel by set it empty in contentLibrary.
    For instance: remove subtitleLabel
stateView.setContent(image: "loading_2",
                             title: "New loading view",
                             subtitle: "",
                             for: .loading)
  • You can add a retry callback into this. I don't do that to keep it simple.


This approach is flexible for me to use default UI or specific UI for some screens.
What do you do with state view? Share me in comment.

Enjoy coding.

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