How I learned HTML/CSS
About me
I'm a highly self motivated and creative person and I love thinking out of the box.
In 2019 year, I have completed academic lyceum under Turin Polytechnical University in Tashkent and then I have entered to Tashkent University of information and technology . I'm the second course there now. I have never thought that I will interest to programming.
Nowadays I'm studying in the course of "Full stack web developer" at "Najot Ta'lim" learning center and that's all full of fun. I really enjoy from it!
Why I wanted to learn HTML/CSS
HTML and CSS are the two most fundamental programming languages used in web development. Without them, we would not have websites.
Knowing how to code in HTML and CSS will give you a clear insight into how the internet works and will help you better understand how the websites you use every day are built.
HTML uses a tag-based structure, which is easy to understand even without any prior technical experience. CSS uses a simple structure, too, which means that the learning curve for mastering the language is relatively smooth.
How I approached learning HTML/CSS, C++
Learning is a Lifelong Process.
I have started to learn C++ when I was studying in the first course at Tashkent University of information and technology. It was pretty difficult. I have faced with many problems. But, in the other hand, it was pretty cool and exciting, because of my friends who helped to solve the problems and gave wonderful advices!
Challenges I faced
In learning HTML and CSS, I had some challenges on remembering the new theme. But, when I watched a video about how can remember for a long time what you learn, it became easier to remember. Here is the link of the video 👉
Key takeaways
I have enjoyed the most from my mistakes. It can seem really strange, but yeah! My mistakes made me to repeat that theme and re-look my notebook. It was enjoyable when I found the solution to my mistake !
Tips and advice
Knowing HTML gives you the freedom to do a lot of things.
Most new programmers can learn the basics of HTML within a week or two. However, daily practice is necessary to become proficient in the language and to understand its full potential. Most programmers recommend practicing for about 2-4 hours a day.
CSS stands for cascading style sheets. It's a stylesheet language that describes the appearance or presentation of a website. Essentially, CSS tells web browsers how each element in an HTML document should be displayed.
CSS is written in a separate CSS file (with file extension . css ) or in a <style> tag inside of the <head> tag.
Final thoughts and next steps
Overall, I would like to say HTML is not very difficult to learn, it is a very basic language. You have to learn tags and how can you use these tags. Unlike other languages, It is simply written in notepad.
It is known as Hyper Text Markup Language, works with opening and closing tags.
For example:
<html>…. </html> Every coding comes in mid of these tags.
<head>…</head> It contains meta information about the document.
<p>…<p> It is used for denoting the paragraph
<body>…. </body> In this tag section you can see the visible page content of your web pages.
<h1>…. </h1> It defines top heading.
As HTML, CSS doesn't have to be difficult, so long as you take the time to really understand it's key, foundational concepts -- concepts like the CSS box model, the different types of CSS rules you can use, how cascading works, and a few other components. With the basics under your belt, CSS becomes a lot easier to use.
i saw your github repositories Nice Try
I’m so happy from your interest 😊
NICE POST. Looking for more post from you. :)
Thank you. I’ll do my best :)