Software engineer/Foodie/Yogie who loves to research new technologies and programming languages. I believe that challenging projects bring the most out of you.
I learned Python out of curiousity because my friends were obsessed with it. Starting of as a self-thought Python developer, I applied my...
I learned Python out of curiousity because my friends were obsessed with it. Starting of as a self-thought Python developer, I applied my knowledge on open-source projects. This led me to getting my current job as a Software Engineer writing code primarily in Python.
I have used it in web development, but also used it when building complex components related to algorithmic problems, data cleanup and data science.
I have experience in various programming languages e.g. Java, C/C++/C#, PHP, but so far Python is the language that makes my life easier when it comes to problem solving.
I have used various database technologies since I started university. This is the only field where I can safely say that I apply differen...
I have used various database technologies since I started university. This is the only field where I can safely say that I apply different technologies depending on the given task. I am not a pro relational or pro NoSQL, I am a pro performance person, because I learned that not all technologies can be applied in certain situations.
I also have experience designing a secure database architecture e.g. building a Mongo replica set with properly defined authentication and authorization.
Working as a Software/DevOps Engineer using Python as my primary programming language. The technologies I use vary depending on the proje...
Working as a Software/DevOps Engineer using Python as my primary programming language. The technologies I use vary depending on the project I am currently on, as seen in the Technologies section, but the programming relies mostly on Python.
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Student Assistant
University of Belgrade
Examined and critiqued student projects and their knowledge mostly in courses Data Security and Compilers.
Examined and critiqued student projects and their knowledge mostly in courses Data Security and Compilers.
This project consists of the development of 4 phases: lexical analysis (scanning/tokenizing source program), syntax analysis (parser that...
This project consists of the development of 4 phases: lexical analysis (scanning/tokenizing source program), syntax analysis (parser that analyzes tokens to detect symbols and does error recovery using LALR grammar) semantic analysis (using the symbol table, detects type mismatch, undeclared variables, multiple declarations, actual and formal
parameters mismatch) and code generation (bytecode generation). It is implemented in Eclipse using MicroJava
Compiler Construction
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Compiler Construction
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Detection of erythemato-squamous diseases using multiple machine learning modelsView Project
Comparison of well known machine learning models (k-means clustering, Naive Bayes classifier, k-Nearest Neighbors and hybrid voting algor...
Comparison of well known machine learning models (k-means clustering, Naive Bayes classifier, k-Nearest Neighbors and hybrid voting algorithm) for the detection of erythemato-squamous diseases