Charles F. Munat

Charles F. Munat

Rising Codementor
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Full-stack/cloud dev/architect/coach w/20+ years experience
Full-stack/cloud dev/architect/coach w/20+ years experience

I speak plain English and can make complex concepts understandable. I've spent more than 20 years mostly as a full-stack developer/architect doing the whole nine yards: data model to front end to SEO and UX. I also develop and run coding bootcamps. I'm current in JS/TS, React/Redux, RxJS, Gatsby/Next, AWS, PostgreSQL, and much more. I prefer functional programming and I like to help people to succeed.

Wellington (+13:00)
Joined February 2015
23 years experience
I began writing JavaScript not long after Brendan Eich invented it. I have worked with a great many libraries and frameworks, including a...
I began writing JavaScript not long after Brendan Eich invented it. I have worked with a great many libraries and frameworks, including all the big ones. Currently, I focus on React/Redux/redux-observable, GatsbyJS and Next.js, and now Svelte/Sapper. I prefer an FP/FRP approach when possible. Happy to use TypeScript when it's called for. I'm also proficient with Node.js, Express.js, Koa, etc., have built npm modules and libraries, and am currently picking up Deno. I have also taught all of the above.
3 years experience
For the past 3+ years I've been moving into serverless tech. Even before that I was using Firebase, Heroku, etc. But now I use Netlify fo...
For the past 3+ years I've been moving into serverless tech. Even before that I was using Firebase, Heroku, etc. But now I use Netlify for small projects, and AWS for larger ones -- by hand, or with CloudFormation, using VPCs, API Gateway, Route53, S3, EC2, DynamoDB or RDS/PostgreSQL, Lambda, SES, and much more.
10 years experience
I was an early convert to the semantic web and web accessibility through the W3C WAI. I sat on the W3C Working Group to update the WCAG ...
I was an early convert to the semantic web and web accessibility through the W3C WAI. I sat on the W3C Working Group to update the WCAG accessibility guidelines to 2.0. I have worked with XML/XQuery/etc., RDF/OWL, metadata (Dublin Core), itemprops, SVG, MathML, and more. I have also taught most of the above. HTML is not a toy language! I use it properly -- semantically and accessibly.
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12 years experience
I have created over the past 2+ decades a methodology for learning (and teaching) in a just-in-time, fully-immersive way. I taught office...
I have created over the past 2+ decades a methodology for learning (and teaching) in a just-in-time, fully-immersive way. I taught officers and enlisted personnel how to operate nuclear reactors. I taught industrial safety, welding and fitting to railcar and barge builders. I taught C, Java, HTML, UML, etc. to university students. I did freelance curriculum development for industry, and taught blueprint reading and more at community colleges. And I was one of the first people to teach web development in a 12-week bootcamp for General Assembly, opening their London, Los Angeles, and Hong Kong courses as well as converting the curriculum from Ruby on Rails to ES6 at Enspiral Dev Academy in Wellington. I have mentored or taught hundreds of people. I am currently writing a book on my teaching/learning methods in my voluminous spare time.
6 years experience
4 years experience


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RethinkDb JSON API with Rails 4
Review of some JS fundamentals
Founder, Director, Chief Investigator
Paperhat, Ltd
Perfecting human learning. Research into learning methodologies for the new millennium. I test hypotheses by regularly providing free tra...
Perfecting human learning. Research into learning methodologies for the new millennium. I test hypotheses by regularly providing free training and coaching to new developers/testers. Development of learning methodologies and curricula; training; mentoring; coaching; and public speaking. Consulting on talent acquisition/retention, training, team building, and career development, as well as reduction of cognitive footprint. Most recent projects: * HAT Teams, a year-long experiment in just-in-time training using the Paperhat methodology: four dev teams of volunteer junior devs and testers to architect and build serverless applications for charity and open source projects ( while learning front-end development and testing with JavaScript, React, and Cypress. *, a serverless, Svelte/Sapper static site built on AWS using Lambda, S3, DynamoDB, API Gateway, CloudFront, Route 53, and Simple Email Service. Mobile-first, highly accessible, user-friendly, with full SEO. In progress: a screening application for new hires following the AWS Well-Architected Framework.
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Munat, Limited
Seasoned programmer, web developer, software architect, engineering coach, and consultant for hire for bespoke work on a contract basis. ...
Seasoned programmer, web developer, software architect, engineering coach, and consultant for hire for bespoke work on a contract basis. Permanent positions also considered. I have reached the point in my career where I do what interests and challenges me. Currently, I focus on functional programming in JavaScript with React (or Svelte) and GraphQL or equivalent on the client side, and numerous server-side technologies and databases including AWS. When I teach programming, this is what I teach.
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* Mentoring of students both short and long term for JavaScript, React, Ruby, Rails, HTML, CSS, node.js, Webpack, ES6/7, and more, all re...
* Mentoring of students both short and long term for JavaScript, React, Ruby, Rails, HTML, CSS, node.js, Webpack, ES6/7, and more, all remotely. * Long-term mentoring of a young woman in Nigeria who is now a successful senior developer in Canada. (This was through Andela, but I was subcontracted from Codementor.) * Wrote and taught their first online React course.
Ruby on Rails
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Ruby on Rails
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