I’ve participated and led a wide range of web projects with multimillion user base for the past 17 years. The most interesting and truly heavy part of that process is solving the challenges between technology and its interactions with the human factor in different teams.
Taking technical and architectural decisions. CI/CD setup, Kubernetes, React micro-frontends, and tech stack nurturing. Hands on code ...
Taking technical and architectural decisions. CI/CD setup, Kubernetes, React micro-frontends, and tech stack nurturing. Hands on code for building the company's unification platform. Kanban is ruling the process within a cross-functional/country team.
◍ Led the unification frontend development for building a common brand CRM interface and a Node.js backend-for-frontend layer.
◍ Verified the implementation of a design system and component library meets both design and DX requirements.
◍ Carefully formed a frontend stack and ensured it evolves reasonably.
◍ Setup a CI/CD on GitLab and Kubernetes, improving pipeline speed 2x over time.
Frontend CI/CD infrastructure and development with React/Node.js. Worked within cross-functional and pure frontend teams to deliver a ...
Frontend CI/CD infrastructure and development with React/Node.js. Worked within cross-functional and pure frontend teams to deliver a webmail suite, control panel micro-frontends and the new one.com home page.
◍ Built the webmail web app (mobile) and its companion contacts and settings projects on top of a React setup coupled to a Node.js backend.
◍ Worked on the CP rewrite into 15 React micro-frontends (actively involved in 10).
◍ Implemented the new redesigned home page (one.com) using Storybook to overcome the JSP limitations.
◍ Led a cross-functional team in an extreme programming manner (XP) to control the shaky period of PO and PM absence.
More than 13 projects in cooperation with 40 colleagues from different departments.
A rapidly growing startup I joined very early before they went on Nasdaq. My contribution was focused on a new product line — mainly a...
A rapidly growing startup I joined very early before they went on Nasdaq. My contribution was focused on a new product line — mainly areas which require non-template solutions. Embeddable widgets, music APIs, social sharing, CMS, and too much of a SCRUM.
◍ Developed an embeddable music player widget with access to several music APIs like Spotify, Deezer, Apple Music, and able to share twitter-friendly links.
◍ Worked on the rewrite of Linkfire's main CMS.
◍ Developed the Snickers' facebook game campaign in Scandinavia.
◍ Built a Raspberry Pi browser app, mind-mapping SVG prototype, and an SVG infographic generated by .json files with epics and user stories exported from JIRA.