Mohammed Isioye

Mohammed Isioye

I am a graduate of Computer Science with 2+ years of experience working with Javascript and related technologies. I will be happy to help in
I am a graduate of Computer Science with 2+ years of experience working with Javascript and related technologies. I will be happy to help in all ways I can

I am a software developer who is passionate about creating problem-solving challenges across the globe. I have worked with the most popular Javascript technologies and I constantly develop and improve myself as things change in the world of technology.

I pay attention to everything that matters in technology ranging from complexity, flexibilty, security to scalability of any application I build or that is required of me. I own every challenges as mine and put empathy into consideration.

West Central Africa (+01:00)
Joined June 2019
2 years experience
I have built cutting edge applications with Javascript with the help of it's most popular frameworks, for most part I have been oppurtune...
I have built cutting edge applications with Javascript with the help of it's most popular frameworks, for most part I have been oppurtuned to use Javascript for DOM manipulation to building full stack web applications. I am proficient in using ES6 and beyond.
2 years experience
I possess hands-on experience working with this amazing technology and I have been able to build simple and complex APIs using Express JS...
I possess hands-on experience working with this amazing technology and I have been able to build simple and complex APIs using Express JS with NodeJS to deliver scalable and premium backend applications. This is a technology I am very comfortable working with and as the trend changes, I also push to update myself
2 years experience
Most of the full stack applications I have built Postgresql has been my go to database, I am proficient with working with this technology...
Most of the full stack applications I have built Postgresql has been my go to database, I am proficient with working with this technology as well. With the use of ORMs like Sequelize, working with Postgresql is nothing but fun and showing how it is used couldn't be more fun
2 years experience
As the most popular NoSQL technology I have used this to build scalable web applications and I can say I am confident with working with M...
As the most popular NoSQL technology I have used this to build scalable web applications and I can say I am confident with working with MongoDB coupling it with an ODM like Mongoose
2 years experience
Most of the applications I have built has made it easy for me to show my prowess in testing backend web applications with Mocha and Chai ...
Most of the applications I have built has made it easy for me to show my prowess in testing backend web applications with Mocha and Chai assertion library. Also I am confident with working with test libraries for front end technologies like Jest for unit testing (React apps) and TestCafe or Cypress for writing end-to-end tests for any web app built with any technology
3 years experience
I have been working with this framework for 3+ years and it is my go to framework for building beautiful and minimalistic UIs. I have sol...
I have been working with this framework for 3+ years and it is my go to framework for building beautiful and minimalistic UIs. I have solid hands-on experience with this framework and it is a UI framework I am comfortable with working with anytime.
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3 years experience
As the most popular version control system, I use this tool for my day to day development and I can say proudly that my workflow is one o...
As the most popular version control system, I use this tool for my day to day development and I can say proudly that my workflow is one of the best out there. I am confident in solving any issue revolving around this technology be it with Github, Gitlab or Bitbucket.
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More Recipes is a website that provides users with functionalities like viewing, creating, editing a recipe. Users can also post a review about a recipe, and make a recipe their favorites
This is probably one of the smallest APIs ever written
Software Developer
My main responsibility is to deliver world class applications to our partners in all parts of the world. Currently serve as a QA engineer...
My main responsibility is to deliver world class applications to our partners in all parts of the world. Currently serve as a QA engineer to one of our existing partners. Prior to this time, I have worked as a Product coordinator and my responsibility was to convey user priorities to the developers on the team, manage the business technology as a stakeholder, backlog grooming, anchor sprint plannings, product demos, retros and quality assurance for delivered features.
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Bootstrap 4
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Software Developer Intern
Ekaruz Technology
I was responsible for making bug fixes to existing UI designs and looking for ways to make the backend API for the company tools to be be...
I was responsible for making bug fixes to existing UI designs and looking for ways to make the backend API for the company tools to be better
Bootstrap 4
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Bootstrap 4
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More RecipesView Project
More Recipes is a website that provides users with functionalities like viewing, creating, editing a recipe. Users can also post a review...
More Recipes is a website that provides users with functionalities like viewing, creating, editing a recipe. Users can also post a review about a recipe, and make a recipe their favorites
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Random-Number-GeneratorView Project
A Front-end application for generating random phone numbers
A Front-end application for generating random phone numbers