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Booting from Grub2 to x86 long mode (64-bit mode)

Published Sep 13, 2017
Booting from Grub2 to x86 long mode (64-bit mode)

In this post, I'm going to walk through the process of booting a kernel from grub and getting it up into 64 bit C code. The kernel will be loaded to low physical memory by grub and will be mapped to high virtual memory. This will leave the low virtual memory for user space. This is similar to a Linux memory layout but we are only going to use the top two GB for the kernel. Before we dive into the assembly it's probably best to start with the linker script.

Linker Script and Memory Layout

Below is the linker script used for the kernel.



  . = 4M;
  _kernel_physical_start = .;

  .boottext :
      boot.o (.multiboot)
      boot.o (.text)
  .bootrodata :
      boot.o (.rodata)
  .bootdata :
      boot.o (.data)
  .bootbss :
      boot.o (.bss)
      boot.o (COMMON)

  . = ALIGN(0x1000);
  _boot_end = .;

  . += 0xFFFFFFFF80000000;
  _kernel_virtual_start = .;
  .text : AT(_boot_end)

  . = ALIGN(0x1000);

  .rodata : AT ( (LOADADDR (.text) + SIZEOF (.text) + 0xFFF) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF000 )

  . = ALIGN(0x1000);

  .data : AT ( (LOADADDR (.rodata) + SIZEOF (.rodata) + 0xFFF) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF000 )

  . = ALIGN(0x1000);

  .bss : AT ( (LOADADDR (.data) + SIZEOF (.data) + 0xFFF) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF000 )

  . = ALIGN(0x1000);
  .eh_frame (NOLOAD) : { *(.eh_frame) } : NONE

  _kernel_virtual_end = .;

  _kernel_physical_end = (LOADADDR (.eh_frame) + SIZEOF (.eh_frame) + 0xFFF) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF000;

So a couple things are going on in this linker script. First . which is the current output location is set to four megabytes along with one variable _kernel_physical_start defined as well. Then the rest of boot.o is layed out. One thing to note is that .boottext contains .multiboot which we will talk about more in a bit. After all the sections for boot.o are specified the current output location is offset by 0xFFFFFFFF80000000. This is the start of the high virtual address space and it gives our kernel 2 GB. If you need more for your kernel you can decrease this number. Each section for the rest of the object files is set at the location previous section plus the size of previous rounded up to 0x1000. The .eh_frame isn't needed so NOLOAD is specified for that section. Finally, _kernel_virtual_end and _kernel_physical_end are defined. The main take away from this linker script is that boot.o is identity mapped to low memory and everything else is loaded into low memory but has a high virtual address. Now that the memory layout for our little kernel is set up we can move onto the code.

boot.S is a bit of assembly that is going to get us into long mode and into C. The fact that we are jumping into C code isn't that relevant and we could easily jump into something like C++ or Rust. It is responsible for two main things: 1) setting up the 64-bit paging data structures and 2) setting the CPU state for long mode. It is also where the multiboot header is defined. The boot.S seen below has a lot of C macros, hence it's boot.S instead of boot.s the capital S means the C preprocessor will be run first. I mention this because it has a lot of macros to make it readable, self-documenting and to remove a bunch of magic numbers. I'll put the output of the C preprocessor at the end of this post if you just need something quick and dirty that is also self-contained.

Assembly Code


#include "arch/x86_64/gdt.h"
#include "arch/x86_64/mmu.h"
#include "kernel.h"
#include "sizes.h"
#include "multiboot2.h"
#include "arch/x86_64/msr.h"

.SET HEADER_LENGTH, header_end - header_start
.section .multiboot
    .long CHECKSUM

    // multiboot tags go here

    .short 0    // flags, none set
    .long 8     // size, including itself (short + short + long)


.section .bss
.comm high_pdpt, PDPT_SIZE, PDPT_ALIGNMENT
.comm high_page_directory_table, PAGE_DIRECTORY_SIZE, PAGE_DIRECTORY_ALIGNMENT

        .8byte GDT_FIRST_ENTRY
        .8byte GDT_KERNEL_ENTRY

        .skip (GDT_TABLE_SIZE - (gdt_table_end - gdt_table))

         .short GDT_TABLE_SIZE - 1
         .long gdt_table

.section .text
.global _start
.type _start, @function
        movl $tmp_stack + KERNEL_BOOT_STACK_SIZE, %esp

        movl $low_pdpt, %eax
        or $(MMU_PRESENT | MMU_WRITABLE), %eax

        movl $high_pdpt, %eax
        or $(MMU_PRESENT | MMU_WRITABLE), %eax

        movl $low_page_directory_table, %eax
        or $(MMU_PRESENT | MMU_WRITABLE), %eax

        movl $high_page_directory_table, %eax
        or $(MMU_PRESENT | MMU_WRITABLE), %eax

        mov $0, %ecx

        movl $_kernel_physical_end, %esi
        shrl $TWO_MEGABYTES_SHIFT, %esi
        addl $1, %esi

        movl $TWO_MEGABYTES, %eax
        mul %ecx
        movl %eax, low_page_directory_table(, %ecx, PAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SIZE)
        movl %eax, high_page_directory_table(, %ecx, PAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SIZE)

        inc %ecx
        cmp %esi, %ecx
        jne page_directory_table_loop  // if not equal redo loop

        movl $pml4, %eax
        movl %eax, %cr3

        movl $KERNEL_CR4, %eax
        movl %eax, %cr4

        movl $MSR_EFER, %ecx
        or $MSR_EFER_LME, %eax

        movl $KERNEL_CR0, %eax
        movl %eax, %cr0

        lgdt gdt_ptr

        ljmp $(KERNEL_GDT_ENTRY * GDT_ENTRY_SIZE), $_start64



.global _start64
.type _start64, @function
        // Setup segment selectors
        movw $0, %ax
        movw %ax, %ds
        movw %ax, %es
        movw %ax, %fs
        movw %ax, %gs
        movw %ax, %ss

        call Kernel_Main

        // Should never reach here
        jmp 1b

The first thing in boot.S is the multiboot header section .multiboot. This is going to be a multiboot 2 header format. The header starts with the multiboot 2 magic number, the architecture, the header length and finally the checksum. After those four variables the multiboot there is a variable number of multiboot tags. We aren't going to put any here except the required end tag which has no flags and a size of 8.

Next, we have the bss and data. For the bss, we declare a bunch of regions of memory for the paging data structures. 64-bit paging involves 4 levels of paging but we aren't going to use a page table but instead use 2 MB large page directory entries. There is a low and high page directory pointer table (PDPT) and page directory table. The low tables are used for the identity mapping and the high tables are going to be used for mapping the same low physical memory to a high virtual address. The .data section defines the global descriptor table (GDT) which contains two entries. The first is not used and GDT_FIRST_ENTRY is defined as 0. GDT_KERNEL_ENTRY is the one we are going to use in the long jump to switch to 64-bit mode is defined with the 64-bit mode set, present, ring 0 privilege level and executable. Finally, some additional space is added for the GDT and gdt_ptr is defined. gdt_ptr is a six-byte data structure with the first two bytes are the size of the GDT minus one and the last four bytes are the physical address of the GDT. At this point, we have all the memory and data structures we need and can start writing the actually boot assembly code.

_start is the entry point that grub will jump to (specified in kernel.ld). The first thing we do is set up %esp to point to the top of the stack declared in the bss.

        movl $tmp_stack + KERNEL_BOOT_STACK_SIZE, %esp

Next we set up two PML4 entries one for low_pdpt and one for high_pdpt. We load the address of the PDPT into %eax and or it so that the present and writable bits are set, finally, we move the value of %eax into the corresponding PML4 entry. PML4_ADDR_TO_ENTRY_INDEX is a handy macro that shifts a value by 39 bits and then bitwise-ands it with 0x1FF to basically take an address and return the index in the PML4 table for that address. This is repeated for both low_pdpt and high_pdpt. The PML4 entries are 8 bytes in size and since we are still in 32-bit mode at this point we only set the lower 32 bits in each PML4 entry. This is okay as the top 32 bits are used for high physical addresses (which we aren't in), are reserved/ignored or are for the no execution bit (bit 63) which we don't need to worry about right now. This is similar for the other tables used for long mode and we will follow the same pattern of only settings the first 32 bits and leaving the rest zero.

        movl $low_pdpt, %eax
        or $(MMU_PRESENT | MMU_WRITABLE), %eax

        movl $high_pdpt, %eax
        or $(MMU_PRESENT | MMU_WRITABLE), %eax

Next, a similar pattern is followed for each page directory table. Note that we use a different macro PDPT_ADDR_TO_ENTRY_INDEX which shifts by 30 bits instead of 39 and we set the entry for the low_page_directory_table in the low_pdpt and the high_page_directory_table in the high_pdpt.

        movl $low_page_directory_table, %eax
        or $(MMU_PRESENT | MMU_WRITABLE), %eax

        movl $high_page_directory_table, %eax
        or $(MMU_PRESENT | MMU_WRITABLE), %eax

Now that the PML4 and PDPTs are set up the only thing left is to set up the entries in the page directory tables. We are going to loop through to set up a number of pages for the kernel based on _kernel_physical_end declared in kernel.ld. ecx is going to contain the current entry being set so it is first set to zero and esi is going to contain the number of pages we want to set so we divide it by two MB by shifting it and then add one to take care of any rounding.

        mov $0, %ecx

        movl $_kernel_physical_end, %esi
        shrl $TWO_MEGABYTES_SHIFT, %esi
        addl $1, %esi

Next, the body of the loop is entered. First, we multiply eax by two MB and then or it with the present, writable and two MB flags. Then, we store the value of $eax into both the low and high page directory tables offset by ecx (our counter) times the size of a page directory entry which is eight.

        movl $TWO_MEGABYTES, %eax
        mul %ecx
        movl %eax, low_page_directory_table(, %ecx, PAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SIZE)
        movl %eax, high_page_directory_table(, %ecx, PAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SIZE)

At this point, we've set up the entry for the current loop so we can increment ecx and compare it to esi. If they are not equal we repeat the body of the loop which starts at page_directory_table_loop.

        inc %ecx
        cmp %esi, %ecx
        jne page_directory_table_loop  // if not equal redo loop

The final bit in setting up paging for long mode is to move the physical address of the PML4 into cr3.

        movl $pml4, %eax
        movl %eax, %cr3

Now all that's left is to set up some CPU state to transition into long mode. Three things need to be done, set up cr0, cr4 and the Extended Feature Enable Register (EFER) model-specific register (MSR). cr0 is set up with bit-0 is set to enable protected mode, bit 4 is set to specify the math coprocessor and bit 31 set to enable paging. For cr4 the Physical Address Extension bit (bit 5) is set. Finally, the bit 8 in the EFER MSR is the long mode bit, so that bit is toggled to one.

        movl $KERNEL_CR4, %eax
        movl %eax, %cr4

        movl $MSR_EFER, %ecx
        or $MSR_EFER_LME, %eax

        movl $KERNEL_CR0, %eax
        movl %eax, %cr0

Stick with me here, we are almost done. The last thing 32-bit code is to set the global descriptor table via lgdt and then long jump to _start64 which is some 64-bit code located in boot.S

        lgdt gdt_ptr

        ljmp $(KERNEL_GDT_ENTRY * GDT_ENTRY_SIZE), $_start64

In 64-bit code, we set the segment selectors to 0 and then jump to our 64-bit C code.


.global _start64
.type _start64, @function
        // Setup segment selectors
        movw $0, %ax
        movw %ax, %ds
        movw %ax, %es
        movw %ax, %fs
        movw %ax, %gs
        movw %ax, %ss

        call Kernel_Main

C Code

Kernel_Main is located in kernel.c. It's pretty simple and basically just going to prove that everything is working in the C code.

#define VIDEO_START 0xb8000
#define VGA_LIGHT_GRAY 7

static void PrintString(char *str)
  unsigned char *video = ((unsigned char *)VIDEO_START);
  while(*str != '\0') {
    *(video++) = *str++;
    *(video++) = VGA_LIGHT_GRAY;

  PrintString("Hello World!");


We are just going to print the string "Hello World!" to the screen using the VGA text mode. We can still use the address 0xb8000 because we still have low memory identity mapped. One thing we would probably want to do in C is fix that, as dereferencing NULL right now won't cause a page fault. Of course, we haven't set up the interrupt descriptor table (IDT) yet to handle a page fault but that is for another post.

Building the Kernel

The Makefile for the kernel can be found below. It is pretty self-explanatory but there are a few things worth mentioning. First, we compile with -fno-builtin, -nostdinc, -nostdlib and -ffreestanding as we do not want to build with any of the stuff that comes with the gcc that comes with our Linux system. Also, we compile with -mno-red-zone because we do not want to use the x86-64 bit red zones. The red zone is a region below the stack that a function might use that is not preserved. For regular user space code this is an optimization but for kernel code this can cause issues with interrupts. We don't have interrupts enabled but we will still compile with this flag on. We compile with -mcmodel=kernel because we want to generate code for the kernel code model where the kernel is running in a high virtual address space. We also specify -z max-page-size=0x1000 because the default page size is too large and grub will not find the multiboot magic number.

SHARED_FLAGS = -fno-builtin -O2 -nostdinc -nostdlib -ffreestanding -g -Wall -Wextra \
               -Werror -I. -MMD -mno-red-zone -mcmodel=kernel
ASFLAGS = $(SHARED_FLAGS) -Wa,--divide

OBJS := boot.o
OBJS += kernel.o

DFILES = $(patsubst %.o,%.d,$(OBJS))

all: kernel

kernel: $(OBJS) kernel.ld Makefile
  $(CC) -z max-page-size=0x1000 $(CFLAGS) -mcmodel=kernel -Wl,--build-id=none -T kernel.ld -o $@ $(OBJS)

  find -name "*~" -delete
  rm -rf $(OBJS) $(DFILES) kernel

$(OBJS): Makefile
-include $(DFILES)

One final thing with regards to building the kernel, we are using the gcc that comes with the Linux system we are so I am assuming that the build is occurring on an x86-64 system. If this is not the case the build will not work, but most people are running 64-bit Linux at this point. Best practices would be to use an x86-64 toolchain, but we are skipping that step here for simplicity.

Running the Kernel

Finally, how can we test all of this? We are going to use qemu to run an iso that we make with our little kernel. We can use grub2-mkrescue to create the iso. First, we need to create a grub.cfg which will contain the following:


set timeout=0
set default=0
menuentry "kernel" {
  multiboot2 /boot/kernel

We've specified that the kernel is /boot/kernel. Let's make a directory for the iso, copy over the grub.cfg and kernel, and run grub2-mkrescue to generate our iso. Below is a snippet from the Makefile:

    mkdir -p iso/boot/grub
    cp grub.cfg iso/boot/grub/
    cp kernel/kernel iso/boot/
    grub2-mkrescue -o $(ISO_FILE) iso

ISO_FILE is defined as kernel.iso. Finally, to run it we can invoke qemu:

qemu-system-x86_64 -cdrom $(ISO_FILE) -serial stdio -m 1024M

and we should see the following:



All the code for from this post can be found on github at:

One Final Note

One thing worth mentioning is that it is assumed that this kernel will run on an x86 processor that supports long mode. This can be checked at runtime but isn't done in this code for the sake of simplicity.

Originally published at Ring Zero and Lower

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