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Where to start Web Accessibility?

Published Nov 07, 2019

Some company already care about Web Accessibility, but some are don't. If you've learned Web accessibility, sometime frustration is occurred.

Why this frustration occurred?

It’s just because web accessibility is not well recognized yet in Canada. Most web designers and developers are abled people. We only recognized and think about people with disability when you have baby or injured.

Then where to start?

I think if you are web developer, you can start non design affect solution like aria-label. If you are web designer, you can think about blind user or low vision user and apply good color contrast design. If you are project manager, you can add some phase to think about Web Accessibility and suggest to your client. If you are owner of the business, you can change business model more web accessibility considered.

You can start Web Accessibility today!

Even you are not involved in actual web project, you can start thinking about people with disability how they use website. Change your mind within and you can change the world.

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