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Some simple CodeWars problems

Published Feb 11, 2019

Spoiler Alert!

This post contains solutions to problems on CodeWars

On to CodeWars!

Given list of strings a1 and a2, write a function in_array(a1,a2) that returns a sorted list r of which strings in a1 are substrings of strings in a2.

It did not take me long.

def in_array(a1, a2):
    r = set()
    for s1 in a1:
        for s2 in a2:
            if s2.find(s1)!=-1:
    return sorted(list(r))

Now we're gonna time this one.

pig_it(str) takes a string str and returns a new string with each word piglatinized.

I'm gonna blaze up first then record it.

View me solving and explaining this problem on Youtube

import string

def pig_it(s):
    # take each word from 's'
    # move the first letter in 's' to the end of the word
    # then add 'ay' to the end of that word
    # then add that word and a whitespace to the end of the return string
    retval = ''
    for w in s.split():
        if w not in string.punctuation:
            piglatin_word = w[1:] + w[0] + 'ay'
            retval+= (piglatin_word + ' ')
    retval = retval.rstrip().lstrip()
    return retval

Not my best work but I did it in under 10 minutes and on video.

This one is a bit tougher...

I knew this stuff would involve lamdba...dammit, lambda, it is a lamb, da!


I know what the problem is there for me and just tweeted about it here

This is a good feedback loop for communicating with the world. Anyways, onto the code.

If you'd like an explanation of how this was solved, I made another video located here on Youtube.

def zero(f=None): #your code here
    #if f is None:
    #    return 0
    #return f(0)
    return 0 if f is None else f(0)

def one(f=None): #your code here
    #if f is None:
    #    return 1
    #return f(1)
    return 1 if f is None else f(1)
def two(f=None): #your code here
    #if f is None:
    #    return 2
    #return f(2)
    return 2 if f is None else f(2)

def three(f=None): #your code here
    #if f is None:
    #    return 3
    #return f(3)
    return 3 if f is None else f(3)

def four(f=None): #your code here
    #if f is None:
    #    return 4
    #return f(4)
    return 4 if f is None else f(4)

def five(f=None): #your code here
    #if f is None:
    #    return 5
    #return f(5)
    return 5 if f is None else f(5)

def six(f=None): #your code here
    #if f is None:
    #    return 6
    #return f(6)
    return 6 if f is None else f(6)

def seven(f=None): #your code here
    #if f is None:
    #    return 7
    #return f(7)
    return 7 if f is None else f(7)

def eight(f=None): #your code here
    #if f is None:
    #    return 8
    #return f(8)
    return 8 if f is None else f(8)

def nine(f=None): #your code here
    #if f is None:
    #    return 9
    #return f(9)
    return 9 if f is None else f(9)

def plus(x): #your code here
    return lambda y: y + x

def minus(x):
    return lambda y: y - x

def times(x):
    return lambda y: y * x

def divided_by(x):
    return lambda y: int(y / x)
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